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But it's simply Maiho on anesthetics.

Maiho: a pumpkin man sits inside a pumpkin house. Is the house made of flesh or is he made of house? He screams, for he does not know.

Izzy: are... Are you high or something?

Maiho: probably.


Maiho: *carves a potato like it's a jack-o-lantern

Arlo: what the fuck

Maiho: Irish halloween

Arlo: It's march.

Maiho: Shut up it's a l w a y s Halloween


Maiho: I saw a mouse but it was flying

Maiho: why did the mouse have wings. Nobody knows.

Matt: that was a bat.


Maiho: DnD is just math disguised as skyrim

Arlo: are you okay

Maiho: no


Matthias: hello

Maiho: You're disgusting. I hate you. I'm gonna kill you. Give me $200.


Maiho: corn farmer update, day 800. Corn everywhere...

Davis: have you tried eating it

Maiho: Maiho: corn farmer update, day 801. New use found for corn :>

Tk: what.. Were you using the corn for before, Maiho?

Maiho: :)


Maiho: *walks into his room and sees Piedmon staring out the window* oh do you need to use the sleep

Piedmon: ....

Maiho, looking horrified: Maybe I need to use the sleep...


Maiho: If you paint your fingertips with clear nail polish, you don't leave finger prints.

Ivy: damn. This is actually really helpful information. Thank you!

Izzy: ...Helpful for what exactly???

Davis: murder??? It's kind of a given here.

Tk: wow you're dark. Maiho was obviously referring to handling devices with screens. This is a great way to not leave prints all over the screen!

Maiho: I was 100% referring to murder.


Maiho: baby Jesus is a chicken wing.

Izzy: explain???

Maiho: tender and mild

Izzy: . . . .


Maiho: If you watch a series entirely, you're not a true fan

Maiho: If you don't watch a series entirely, you're not a true fan

Maiho: you're only a true fan if you're; powered by electricity, have multiple flat blades, and spin around really fast


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