Some tododeku chapter Pt.3

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Previously on my bakudeku story...
Deku: that was- Oh my! It's almost time for the party! We should get ready!* uses one for all to quickly go and change clothes in the room*
Todo: * does the same thing except with his quirk*
Deku: everything is good and - *doorbell rings* oh! That must be our guest!* Goes to door and meets the others in the front*
Kaminari, jirou, and the other girls have arrived.
Deku: Hey guys! How's it going and welcome to the party! You guys can do what you want while the others come.
Urakaka:* looks around* Wow deku! This place looks awesome!
Deku: Thanks urakaka! Yayorozou: Man! You guys know how party!
Deku: thanks yayorozou!
The other girls, plus kaminari talk about how nice the place looks when midoriya goes to check on Todo.
Deku:*goes to todo's room and Knocks on his door* hey, sho? Are you ok? It's me, midoriya.
Todo: *in the room* Y-yea, just nervous...
Deku: Aww! It's fine everything is going to be fine! I will make sure You have a great time, no not great, AWESOME time!
Todo:* gets out of room* your right! Everything is going to be fine! Let's go!
The doorbell rings as Todo and deku walk down to the others.
Deku: someone's at the door! I'll go get it! You just go and talk with the others!* Leaves to go get the door* Hi! And welcome to the pa-!
Bakugou and kirshima are standing at the door
Deku: rty! Hey kirshima, hey Kacchan! I didn't know you guys would be at the party!
Kirshima: Well, when we hear party, we come!
Deku:* laughs* that's cool.
Once everyone was there, the party started. Everyone was everyone was given February 29th or 2/29/20 hats and other accessories
Deku: Does anyone want any suggestions for songs?
Everyone else except for jirou: * turns to jirou and stares at her*
Jirou: H-hey! Why are you guys looking at me?!
Kaminari: Because we all know you have a great taste in music!
Jirou: F-fine! Midoriya play "The box"!
Deku: you got it, jirou! *Plays The Box*
As soon as the music played, everyone started dancing, and midoriya himself danced as well.
Bakugou saw midoriya dance and suddenly blushed.
Bakugou: *Thinking* Man, I wish I still was dating the nerd... Him and his cute dancing...
Everyone had danced till the food had arrived, Meat buns with rice cakes! Everyone had dug in except for bakugou.
Kirshima: Hey baku-bro! Why aren't you eating?
Bakugou: I'm not hungry!
Kirshima: Oh ok then.
After they are food, they decided to dance some more then go back home.
Jirou: Midoriya play "Slob on my Knob"!
Deku: Ok! *Plays the song*
Everyone dances then after a hour of dancing, they all went home.
Todo: That was fun! I think you had fun as well, as for your dancing!
Deku: Aww! Thanks!  So, what do you want t-
Todoroki: Grabs deku and kisses him. Tht kiss for a while, then Todo starts tougue- kissing midoriya. They finshed and cleaned up everything, not leaving a speck on dirt on the ground.
Deku had just found out that he has a crush todoroki.
Deku: * talking to himself, whispering* I-i think I'm in love with shoto. I think I actually like him back. I should tell him how I feel when the time is right!
To be continued...
Anddddd!!!! That's it! The songs were stuff that my friend had suggested me to listen to.
Here's the other song!

Have a great day/ afternoon/night!

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