Chapter 4

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After parting ways with Rex, the group of Jedi had successfully met up with master Yoda. The grand master explained the hostage situation Jabba the Hutt's son now found himself in. Helena sighed in disapproval at the news. With the Jedi spread thin across the galaxy to fight the confederacy it was no surprise to her that acts such as these were being committed. 

Helping Jabba with this endeavour meant a lot to the republic. In doing so, the republic could gain access to travel with their troops through his trade routes. Making access to other worlds under threat from separatist invasion much easier. While tasks had been handed out to both Anakin and Obi-wan, Helena had yet to receive hers.

"Am I not to join the others in their mission master?" Master Yoda shook his head at the female Jedi's question. 

"A more dangerous mission have I for you. Go to master Plo Koon you will. Aid in capturing General Grievous he requires." Anakin and Obi-wan looked over at her at his words. 

They all knew that General Grievous was a major adversary to the Republic. Each of them had faced the notorious general at least a few times and each of them wanted desperately to bring him in. Master Plo Koon was one of the best strategists in the Jedi order. If he needed Helena helps with tracking down the general, it could only mean that things had taken a turn for the worst. 

"Then I shall head there straight away." She gave Anakin a look as Obi-wan and Master Yoda engaged in a conversation. 

They made their way over to the gunship with an eager Ahsoka leading the way. The gunship took off with the doors remaining wide open causing Helena dark auburn hair to fly behind her. 

"So, tell me young one, what new lessons did you learn for your last mission?" Anakin observed the Jedi master as she spoke with an amused smirk on his face before turning to face his padawan. 

Ahsoka looked up to the Jedi master. While they were close in height there was still a small gap between the two. 

"Well, so far I've learned that having patience can pay off along with being aware of ones surroundings." Her eyes were filled with excitement as she spoke, reminding the Jedi master of Anakin when he was a padawan learner. 

Helena chuckled at the padawans words. 

"Those are definitely important things to have during times such as these." Seeing the excitement in the young padawans eyes made her wish she too had taken on a padawan learner. 

While she wasn't opposed to teaching in anyway and often taught lessons when she was back at the temple on Coruscant, she was hesitant to do so. With her constantly facing battle after battle and being in the line of fire, she didn't think it was safe to bring a padawan with her.

Not that she didn't trust that the padawans at the temple were capable of taking care of themselves like Ahsoka. She couldn't bear the thought of making a mistake and losing them just as she had done with her master all those years ago. She knew that she would at some point have to face this fear, just not today. 

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