I'm not okay with this: Part 3

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Bucky's POV:

That is definitely a 7 and if that's a 7 this one has to be a 3 which means all that is left in this box is a-


The wall in front of me collapses. As I look through the debris, I have a clear view of


He seems almost scared and angry, tears were streaming down his face and he seemed unfazed. His eyes read loud and clear 'help '. Every kid at HYDRA had that look. Well, except for the ones they broke. They always were numb and lifeless, like puppets for those sick monsters.I

"How did that happen?" I ask calmly , siding my glasses off my face, folding them, and putting them on the side table along with my soduku book. I slid out of my bed, my pajama trousers not quite long enough, and walked over.

Stepping through the wall- never thought I'd say that- I heard Peter whisper, well, more like squeak.

"I-im sorry I don't know what happened I was just thinking and bam! I think i'm going crazy. Spiders don't have telekinesis so someone is messing with me and I'm then had ruined your private time. What time is it any way?" Peter rambled, God i love this kid.

Peter's POV:

" 3:30 am "

"WHAT! I WAS THINKING FOR 3 HOURS!!! MR DAD IS GOING TO KILL ME!!! TELL NED I LOVE HIM AND DON'T FORGET MR PIGEON!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE - oh sorry I'm shouting that must be annoying mr Bucky, sorry. Do you, however happen to know if anyone I don't know, broke this wall?"

I looked up at Mr Bucky but his look was enough to let me know that he thought it was me.

All of a sudden I felt drained and in no time I was out like a light.


I know it's short but I gave you two POVs and my cat keeps trying to push my hands away from my kindle. He's been cuddling up to me all day...

I have to go, Loki is very demanding!

Hope you guys all enjoyed!

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