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So, hey guys. How you all doing? I'm not great though when am i ever. I'm going to try get more updatey with the book. I know my schedule is shit but i need to relearn that writing helps me deal with stuff. Just a disclaimer, i have been having issues with memory a lot recently. I had to re read my book to remember what I wrote. I can barely remember what i did yesterday and whole months have just gone poof from my memory. Fun, right? Just, bare with me please, I'm trying really hard. Please put in any suggestions of what you want to see in the comments. I'm going to do one based around peter having pts next. Please, also, if you have any characters you want to see or ships, put it in the comments. Thank you all so much for being so patient and supportive. As always I'll leave you with a meme and a good feel good video (gotta love James acaster). Have a good day/night :)

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