Chapter XII

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Henry's eyes went wide and his face turned into a tomato. Norman's eye light went small and Sammy gasped. Boris was smiling with his ears down. Bendy pressed more into Henry, wrapping his arms around his waist. Henry felt like his jeart just exploded with joy. Bendy let go of Henry and backed up a bit.  Henry was frozen, his face covered in blush.

"Holy shit that was-"

"FUCKING ADORABLE!!" Sammy yelled. Henry rubbed the back of his neck and looked down still blushing.

"Welp. That happened." Norman said.

"Sorry, Hen." Bendy whispered. Only Henry heard what he said but he smiled.

Henry was going to say something when a loud bang was heard and ink rushed into the safe house. Boris's ears perked up and he ran to the problem, grabbing a tool box with him. Everyone ran over and saw that one of the ink pipes burst. Norman and Sammy helped Boris fix the pipe while Henry and Bendy used their hands to cover the spraying ink. When the pipe was fixed the room was filled with ink at least up to their ankles.

Henry rushed over to the door and opened it, letting most of the ink flow outside. Boris lowered his shoulders and looked at everyone with a look that said: "Sorry."

"It's ok. Pipes break all the time." Norman pat Boris on the head. Boris smiled at him.

Henry sat down on the floor holding his stomach. He was tired and the wound did nothing to help with that. Bendy took notice and walked over to him. He sat in front of his creator and grabbed Henry's hands in his.

"I'm really sorry for randomly kissing you..." Bendy looked down at Henry's hands. He noticed that his gloved hand was a bit bigger than Henry's, but his clawed one was his size.

"It's ok. You don't need to be sorry. I... I kind of liked it." Henry whispered that last part to himself.

Bendy squeezed Henry's hands. Henry looked at Bendy and smiled. Bendy, of course, had to return the smile.

"AH FUCKING HELL!!" Both Bendy and Henry looked at Norman screaming. Sammy, Boris, and Norman were all playing a card game. Henry and Bendy both giggled.

"Yo love birds? Wanna play?" Sammy called over. Henry went red again and looked down.

"Mabey later," Bendy called out. "Hen? I wanna show you something." Bendy said looking at Henry.

"Sure." Henry said getting up.

"HAHA! I WIN!" Sammy yelled throwing his hands up along with a few cards flying in the air.

"You cheated!" Norman slammed his hands on the table. It looked like Boris giggled but no sound came out.

Sammy and Norman argued over if Sammy cheated or not.

"Me and Bendy are headin' out. Just to give a heads up." Henry said.

"Alright," Sammy said. Henry left, then Bendy. Bendy shut the door but stopped when he heard Sammy say something. "Make sure you bring Henry back. And able to walk!"

Bendy growled at that and shut the door, loudly. He heard Sammy say 'ow' then laugh. Bendy caught up with Henry and walked beside him.

"So what do you want to show me?" Henry looked up at Bendy.

"You'll see." Is all he said.

Bendy grabbed Henrys hand and guided him to a wall, "Make sure you hold my hand."

With that Bendy walked throught the wall with Henry following. Henry stayed close to Bendy watching the inky walls pass by. Then it stopped.

"We're here." Bendy said stepping out of the wall. Henry followed.

Henry's eyes went wide when he saw the room. There were Bendy cartoons playing all around the walls, there was a small hill of ink with a throne ontop in the middle of the room. Bendy looked down at Henry seeing him smile made Bendy happy. Henry walked up to the throne and looked around at it.

Henry looked back down on throne and saw a tape. He picked it up and turned it around and saw it said: "The end."

Bendy turned around and saw Henry holding the small disk in his hands. Bendy imidiantly started panicking. He walked up to Henry and looked at him.

"Don't worry, I remember what this does. I'm not going to play it." Henry said placing it back down on the throne. "But you should really find a better hiding place than out in the open."

Bendy sighed, "But it's the only place I can know if someone were to take it."

Henry thought for a moment, "Have you ever tried to mabey... break it?"

Bendy's horns straightened and he growled slightly, "I have. But it doesn't work. The loop with imidiantly restart." Bendy said in a deadly tone.

Henry backed up a bit, "Ok... I was just asking..."

Bendy stopped growling and hugged Henry. "Sorry if I scared yah, I just don't want this loop to end yet." Henry nodded and hugged Bendy back.

Bendy let go and looked down at Henry. Bendy bent over a bit and pressed his mouth on Henry's again. Henry wasn't as embarrassed anymore since no one was watching them, and possibly judging. They both melted into the kiss.

After a few minutes of talking and chasing each other around around the throne room, they went back to the safehouse.

Bendy knocked on the door. They heard a muffled, "Comeing!" Sammy opened the door. Bendy and Henry walked in. Norman was apparently passed out on the floor, his eye light dull. Boris was making bacon soup.

"Is Norman ok?" Bendy hovered over the passed out man.

"Uhhhh... kind of?" Sammy said sitting down.

"What do you mean 'kind of?'" Henry said tilting his head at Sammy.

"Well.. first, we had a card fight. That was fun. Then.. well... turns out Boris had a few bottles of vodka. And Norman chugged a whole bottle... and he's passed out..." Sammy said looking at Norman.

Bendy, Henry, and Sammy all burst out laughing. That woke Norman up.

"I'm not dead yet..... I hope." He said.


"Aye! Don't laugh at me ugly!"

"Oh who you callin' ugly now?" Bendy teased.

Henry and Sammy were both dieing of laughter. Norman wobbled but got up. He then fell flat on his face. "Ahhhhh shit dogs."

Everyone burst out in laughter except Norman.

(Well... R.I.P Norman's soul. Second chapter out today 'cause I'm bored, plus why not? 1052 words y'all)
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