《o n e》

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        THE ball flying on top of her was her only focus, she could see her teammate nodding while she threw the ball for Hyejin to spike, it was there waiting for her, everyone was there waiting for her to score the final point. Everything moved in slow motion, sweat trickled down her forehead and then she ran.

They were at match point, the win was just a few seconds away. The win they all worked hard for. All the girls believed in their ace, they knew she would smash it down. Hyejin jumped with all her remaining strength after playing the whole game. Her hand made contact with the ball as she looked for the opening in the block, the wall standing in front of her.

Their match was against the unbeatable team. They were far less powerful than them but they worked hard. Hyejin practiced day and night for this very moment. She wanted to win, to win and go the nationals. It was this moment that would make their dreams come true.

Hyejin spiked.

The ball hit the floor. She couldn't see anything, everything was blurred. A whistle was blown, it's piercing voice filled the court. The audience burst in cheers but its wasn't for them. Hyejin fell sharply on her knee, she lost her balance while spiking, her desire to win and over confidence clouded her thoughts, she didn't smash it like an ace would do.

The blockers from the opposing team never let the ball go pass them, they had succeeded in defending. The fall wasn't just a normal one, Hyejin fell on her knee very badly. She couldn't stand up, it was as if someone shot her at her knee. The crowd was still cheering for the other team until a few moments later they noticed the panicked faces of Hyejin's team and the coaches.

She wasn't standing up let alone trying to. The extreme pain and exhaustion along with shock of their defeat took a toll on her making her lose her conscious. She could hear muffled voices of Sujin, her team captain and bestfriend telling her to stay awake. The last thing she felt before blacking out was someone putting her on a stretcher and her coach's worried voice.


"She will wake up soon." I heared a male voice speaking. They were talking about me I suppose. I opened my eyes, instantly feeling a mild pain in my leg. Then it came, I failed to spike. I let down my team and now I am in the hospital. They must be angry at me. Sujin, she would feel so disappointed. I was feeling like a sore loser, not wanting to talk to anyone, I was pretending to be unconscious.

"I know you are awake." My coach spoke. I sighed and opened my eyes, I was waiting for a disappointed face but she was smiling, a sad smile. "I am so sorry." I said. I could feel the tears falling. I started crying, I was feeling guilty and ashamed. If I could dig a whole and bury myself I would. She sighed, "You tried your best Hyejin don't blame yourself."

"No I slacked at the end. We could have won, Minji sunbae, Hana sunbae and Jaehwa sunbae would have been so happy if we could have gone to nationals. It's their last year in college. We all could have fought in the nationals if only, If only I-"

"We don't blame you Hyejin."

They were standing at the end of my bed. At this point I was uncontrollably crying. No matter what they told me I still blamed myself. I knew I could have smashed it. We all could have won this game, it was all my fault. "Still, no matter what you say in the end of the day I was the one that was spiking, if I had just made the ball fall on the other side of the net. I even could have done a rebound."

I could hear them sigh, I closed my eyes tightly, I hated myself. They were leaving the room, coach gave me a reassure pat on the shoulder, I didn't deserve that when I let her down. Hana sunbae whispered something to the coach not wanting me to hear it but I still heared it, "When will you tell her coach?"

"I will let Sujin do that for now she is too caught up blaming herself." Coach said as she passed me a worried glance. I was confused, what did they mean by telling me something? What did they want to tell me?

"Rest Hyejin, you played well today. Please don't blame yourself." Minji sunbae told me. I just tore the eye contact, I couldn't see her. I disappointed them.


Hyejin was staring out of her room's window. Her face damped from crying. She was feeling worse as the time passed. The match played in her head like a movie. The very moment played on loop. Her mind was filled with only one word, 'disappointment'. She could feel a sharp pain starting from her knee and spreading throughout her leg, making her flinch. The painkillers wore off. A feeling fear overcomed her as she stared at her leg. Something is wrong she thought.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the noise of the door opening. She looked to see who came in and was greeted by her bestfriend. "Hello! How is my ace doing?" Sujin's chirpy voice broke the silence. Hyejin was the lively one of the team, always cracking jokes and changing the mood quickly by her witty comments. She was considered the sunshine of the team however today was not the case, she wasn't smiling.

"I am fine." Sujin sighed, she didn't know how to make her smile, it was always the other way around. She was scared about how will she break the news to her bestfriend. "First of all Hyejin, as a captain I must say, you did a splendid job!"

Hyejin gave her a small smile that didn't reach her eyes. She finally built up the courage to ask her one thing she was dreading, "Hey Sujin... what were they all talking about I mean the coach and Hana."

She could see the change in her teammates expression. Sujin was serious, like when she acted like a captain but this time there was sadness too. "Hyejin listen closely."

"What? You scaring me I know I failed to spike but please don't kill me."

"The doctor said that your knee is badly damaged. When you fell your whole body weight was on your knee. He says that....... you won't be able to play for a while.." Sujin spoke, not meeting Hyejin's eyes. She did lie the last part, her knee was broken and the doctor told her that they would need to do an operation for her to be able to walk. But, even after the operation she wouldn't be able to play easily. She wouldn't be able to jump as it would be dangerous.

Hyejin didn't answer. She wanted to speak but her mouth couldn't form words. She didn't want to play and now she couldn't play for real. Sujin looked up in disbelieve when she heard laughter, "I didn't want play anymore even if my knee was fine." Hyejin was smiling yet her eyes deceived her. She was crying.

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Our hot ghost would make
an appearance in the next chapter!
I watched too much haikyuu so thats why hyejin is playing volleyball.
I am not a doctor so yeh whatever it is her knee is dead.

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