《f i v e》

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         TWO days passed far quickly than she imagined and she was somewhat able to walk with ease, of course by using crutches. Her teammates and aunt visited her for a few hours all of them had college and job.

However Taeyong was beside her the whole time the nurses helped her walk. He was her motivation.

Today was the day she would get discharged and thinking about that made her stomach twist. She didn't want to go college, face people's pity and them telling her she did great in her match. She didn't want to explain anyone, especially her teammates about not wanting to play anymore despite Taeyong's hour long lectures.

Most of all, she didn't want to leave Taeyong.

She was waiting for her aunt to comeback from the meeting with the doctor while sitting in the waiting area. It was only a few minutes left after that she would leave. She was sure that Taeyong would stay in the hospital, she read in many books that some ghosts stay where they died, maybe he died here. Shaking her head at the thought she turned to the floating ghost.

"Hey um Taeyong.." He hummed in response, "I will be discharged today... well you already know that." She mumbled. "I know and I am very happy that you fine now!" He beamed at her, she noticed his figure paler than usual. He became a little more transparent than before.

"But I will leave... and I won't be able to talk to you. What if I can't face the people in school? I don't know what I would do, I don't want their pity. They are going to-"

"You will be fine Hyejin. I am sure of it. Besides what will a ghost be able to do to help you?"

"Your presence is enough for me." She whispered. Her eyes widened and blush made its way up to her cheeks when she realised what she just said. "What?" Taeyong pretended to not hear what she said, his face slightly pink as he turned his head towards window. "Nothing."

"Believe me I know you would be fine Hyejin, I'll be there for you always."

Hyejin looked up from her lap only to find him gone, he vanished in thin air just like when she first met him. She worriedly glanced around her, he was no where to be found. "Sorry sweetie you had to wait for long. Let's go." Her aunt's voice caught her attention. She nodded as she followed her aunt.

Before going out of the hospital, she glanced behind her again, a smile on her lips as she whispered, tears threatening to fall.

"Thank you for everything Taeyong."

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Aww he gone forever..

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