《f o u r》

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Childish laughter filled the playground as the two kids played tag. After running around the swings for more than two hours, the hyper kids sat down under the tree, gasping for breaths.

One of them giggled and let out a long sigh, "Today was fun!"

The timid boy smiled and nodded in return, still out of breath."It was!"

After becoming calm from all the running, one of them asked the other, "What do you wannabe in the future?" The kid had the question in mind since his last period in school. The teacher asked the students about what their future dream was.

The other didn't think for more than one second and answered, a goofy grin on her face, "A volleyball champion!"

"What about you?" She asked him in return,"I wannabe a rapper..... but they make fun of me." The boy started off excited but lost his voice near the end. "Screw them! I will make sure you will become what you want!" Her enthusiastic personality was like a source of energy for him, his own positive ball of sunshine.


Taeyong stood near the couch placed in her hospital room. The doctors were in the middle of doing the surgery. She was still awake but she didn't see her own knee being opened up, there was a screen. Taeyong kept rambling about various things to keep her calm.

"And then that kid started crying annoyingly, his voice echoed through out the whole hospital. I really wanted to kill the kid to be honest." Taeyong spoke with an annoyed expression causing her to smile, she wanted to laugh but she couldn't. He exaggerated the scene using his hands and different expressions. Even after making the ugliest of faces, he still looked breath taking.

The surgery ended successfully much to her relief. She didn't realise she was being operated on while being entertained by a ghost. "Go on ask him." Taeyong whispered in her ear causing her to feel goosebumps all over her body. "Um Dr.Jung would I be able to play somehow?"

"Hmm let's see. After a few days of rehabilitation and getting used to your replaced knee. You would be able to walk using crutches. But after a month or so you can play."

"S-so like... I can play.."

"It will be up to you. If you over work yourself you would end up here again and can be in worse condition.You can but try to not be that aggressive. I saw your match by the way it was so good." Dr.Jung told her, he was handsome as well. Hearing him complimenting her match caused her stomach to do a backward flip. "I'll keep that in mind and t-thank you."

He only gave her a genuine smile, his dimples made her swoon over him. She kept staring at the direction he went until Taeyong appeared, a slight frown on his face but he quickly changed his expression into a happy one, "Hey!! You can still play Hyejin!"

"Yes I can but I wouldn't be able to."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't wanna play anymore Taeyong. I don't wanna do this now."

《'You just wait and see. I bet you would come to get my autograph.'

Taeyong frowned, he didn't want her to stop doing the one thing she loved. The fall and the defeat made a bigger scar than he thought. She worked harder than anything for that specific match. She was short, most people mistook her for a libero but she jumped. Getting blocked was as same as cutting her wings off. She reverted back to her old middleschool self when she started to doubt herself and Taeyong didn't want that to happen.

"You are lying to yourself Hyejin." She didn't answer. She didn't want to believe him even if he was right. She was lying to herself. She wanted to play. "Look at me." She continued to stare at her bandaged knee. She felt a cold air brushing against her face, he was standing alarmingly near her. Despite him being a ghost and that he won't be able to touch her, she still felt her cheeks warm.

"Look at me Hyejin."

His voice soft making her look up to him. He looked sad, his eyes told millions of things that she couldn't  decipher. It was the first time she saw him this closely, he looked extremely familiar. "You need to start believing and stop doubting yourself."


"Didn't you want to become the champion?"

"How do you know?" She narrowed her eyes at him, she was sure she never told him that. The fact that he looked familiar made her even more curious. Taeyong was taken aback by her sudden question, "I-I heared you in your sleep."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. How else would I know? You never t-told me." Taeyong cursed himself internally for stuttering. "Hey I was giving you a lecture!" He changed the topic quickly causing to her to laugh at his face. He really is something she thought to herself as he continued to give her a lecture on not doubting herself.

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