《s i x》

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[  ROOM 0127 ]

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          HYEJIN stayed home for a few more days, her aunt was worried about her so she wanted her to stay and rest. Hyejin was grateful for that, she too didn't want to go as well although for a completely different reason.

"We are here." Her aunt spoke, stopping the car infront of the campus, hyejin smiled as her aunt made her way towards her side, helping her stand up. "If there is a problem call me instantly okay?" She patted Hyejin's head with affection. "Okay. See you later."

Walking towards her block, she gripped her crutch tightly. Lowering her head she avoided eye contact with anyone. She wasn't like this, she would be running towards her class greeting everyone along the way loudly, holding a chocolate bar in hand. But now she was insecure, after being away for a while she didn't know how to greet anyone.

While walking towards her first class that was thankfully not on the upper floor, she passed the volleyball court. She came to an abrupt stop infront of it. She looked at the shoes placed at the door, some of the juniors were practicing. Their team was big, most of them were at benches, supporting the main team. She was in the main team but now she wasn't, atleast to her she wasn't.

She continued to stare at it, the squeaking noise could be heard. She made a hesitant step towards it but stopped. 'Didn't you want to become the champion?' Taeyong's voice suddenly came to her mind. "I want to become...." She started but stopped midway. She let out a sigh and turned towards the way to her class, talking to herself, "You will be late Hyejin."

A bone crushing hug was what she received as she entered the class followed by a series of 'welcome back'. She was a well-known person in her year mainly due to her being a class clown. Sujin kept on hugging her until Hyejin told she needed air. "I am so glad you are fine now." Sujin scanned her from head to toe, even though she just met her yesterday she still felt as if she hadn't seen her for a long time. "We saw eachother yesterday."

Hyejin turned towards her class, putting on a not so genuine smile but it fooled everyone. "Heyy suckers! I a back and better than ever!" She yelled, putting her hand forward to emphasis her fake happiness. She wanted to appear happy so people don't talk about her knee and about the match they lost a week ago. The match was a big thing among the students, it would be because if they had won, they could have competed on national level.

The class cheered happily, her plan to avoid the pity worked.

The day went by quickly. Sujin slammed her hands on her table as she tried to gain the attention of Hyejin who was busy shoving books in her bag. "Hey let's go. Everyone would be so happy to see you."

"Uh I have something to do Su-"

"I know you don't want to go to the court Hye but you can't just ignore the team. They were worried sick."

Hyejin didn't reply causing her captain to sigh, "I promise you I won't force to you to play. No one will. We all know what are you feeling." Hyejin nodded and followed Sujin to the practice court.


It was the first time she would face her team properly after the match. A huge part of her still blamed herself for the defeat and she believed the team blamed her too. She shut her eyes waiting for someone to say something but no one said anything.

"Um.... I am s-" She didn't get to complete her sentence as her teammates jumped at her for a group hug, I swear what's with this hug thing I didn't come back from the dead she thought to herself.

After what it seemed like an hour and quite antagonizing one they all let her go, "I wasn't dead ya'll quit over reacting."

"Harsh Hyejin harsh." Minji shook her head, to her suprise no one talked about the match the whole day and none of them asked her to play. She sat at the bench beside her manager, who was her crush back in first year. The girl could be a model easily but she choose to be the manager of their not so disciplined team.


She finally reached home, her aunt dropped her off as she had an important meeting to attend. Hyejin wasn't as tired she imagined herself to be, she had successfully avoided any extra talk about her condition and thankfully her teammates understood her as well.

She let herself fall on her bed, her crutch neatly placed beside her and stared at the ceiling. "Suddenly the ceiling seems interesting." She mumbled to herself. The wind blew from the open window, she heared a scratchy noise. Turned to look at the source she saw a paper lying on her study table.

Grabbing her crutch she stood up and walked towards it. She held the paper and glanced outside the window, there was no one. "Weird.." she whispered while unfolding the paper. The writing on it was very familiar but she couldn't put a name on whose it was.

Room 1270

She was confused as to why there was a room number written on it. She poundered over it for a few more minutes and then realised, "Guess I will have to visit the hospital again." She had a hunch it was the room in that hospital but she didn't quite know why someone wrote this message to her. "Maybe it wasn't for me."

"But then again what was it doing stuck in my window?"

"Ugh why am I talking to myself..." she crumbled the paper in her hand throwing it in the basket placed in the opposite side of her table. "Never mind." She mumbled while walking towards her bed, she wanted a long nap.

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