Bonnie's paranoia

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After Mia's done with her phone call, she went to Bonnie and took a few minutes to regain their posture.

Mia: *stands up* I'm ready to get back out there. How 'bout you, Bonnie?

Bonnie: *sighs* Okay. We should get out of this place.

Mia: Yeah.

Bonnie: *walks out the doorway* Oh man, now it's really dark!

Mia: At least it's not as foggy as before.

Bonnie: But that is a beautiful sky! Look at those stars!

Mia: And the sky itself is almost a mix between dark blue and purple.

Bonnie: Oh, that's beautiful-hello cricket! I hear you! Hello owl, I hear you too! 

Mia: At least you're enjoying yourself. *chuckles*

Bonnie: Okay, so we gotta figure out where we're supposed to go. This isn't so bad, at least its a calm and quiet night.

Mia: Don't jynx it!

Bonnie: Hmm...okay, I gotta remember where I'm-uh oh!

Mia: What's wrong?

Bonnie: What is that? What is that?! What's going on?! Ugh! I keep hearing weird voices in my head!

Mia: Calm down, Bonnie you're probably scared or hallucinating because I don't see anything-*hears someone whisper* Oh god! What was that?!

Bonnie: Oh geez, this is not for me-what does this say?

Mia: It's just a set of rules for canoeing.

Bonnie: We're not getting in any canoes so don't have to worry about that.

Mia: And that's a list of things to do next to the rules.

Bonnie: This is...*reads the list* Swimming and canoeing and all this other fun stuff. There seems to be a lot of bugs flying around here. 

Mia: Yeah, I'm getting kind of itchy. 

Bonnie: I have no idea where to go!

Mia: It feels like we're walking in circles.

Bonnie: *groaning* Oh man, I hate this! 

Mia: Me too, trust me.

Bonnie: Hey look, *points to the paper on a tree* its a picture of that weird tall guy! I'm taking it.

Mia: It just has the word "no" repeated on both sides of the picture.

Bonnie: Now where do we go? 

Mia: *points to the brick building* There's brick building in the distance.

Bonnie: Do we really have to go in this building?

Mia: It's our only chance of survival, Bonnie.

Bonnie: Oh, something's following us! SOMETHING'S FOLLOWING US!!!

Mia: *turns around* I don't see anything behind us. I think you're hallucinating dude.

Bonnie: I know I'm not hallucinating because I heard footsteps behind us! 

Mia: Geez, you don't need to get salty with me.

Bonnie: Okay, what's in here? Hello? HELLO?!

Mia: Just a bunch of lockers like a school gym would have.

 Bonnie: Someone in here? Something's following us! 

Mia: Now I know you're going crazy.

Bonnie: Oh man...

Mia: Okay, okay. Just might be losing it from how much time we spent out here. 

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