Operation finding the generators is a go

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Bonnie and Mia went around the factor for a few minutes but it wasn't long until Bonnie's paranoia got to him.

Bonnie: Why is the milkman playing around in a factory? I know he's in here. He's following us I know it! 

Mia: You're just being paranoid because of what happened last night. 

Bonnie: You can't have my cute bunny butt, slender milkman. 

Mia: *chuckles* Pretty much everyone wants the bunny butt, dude. 

A few minutes later...

Bonnie: Oh man, where are the rest of generators at? Why are the generators all spread out in here? This is ridiculous. Everything about this is ridiculous. I feel like I've been walking a mile. 

Mia: *uses night vision spell* I don't see them either. 

Bonnie: You think they would have all the generators next to each other right? Am I right? Am I right? Why am I talking to myself? 

Mia: Because you may be losing your mind. 

 Bonnie: Shut up. 

Mia: Seriously though...why? 

Bonnie: I don't know. I'm just trying to make myself feel better because this place is so crazy. 

Mia: It is. It's all kinds of crazy. 

Bonnie: It's spooky and nothing's even happening. 

Mia: Oh no...it's like one of those horror movies when nothing's happening, but you get jumpscared the second you relax. That's kind of bringing me on edge. 

Bonnie: Oh man, come on. Oh...

Mia: *looks up* Maybe upstairs is where the generators are.  

Bonnie: *climbs up the stairs* I'm gonna go up here first. 

Mia: Good move. Make sure the milkman's not up there. 

Bonnie: Go up here, and everything's gonna be fine-there's another generator! 

Mia: I was right! The milkman's not here! 

Bonnie: This place isn't so bad. *turns on generator* There we go. 

Mia: Now we're getting somewhere. 

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