Chapter 2

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As soon as little Mide was born, Bayonle gave me six months to leave his house. At first i thought it was one of his numerous careless comments but as the six month slowly draws nearer, he began singing it to my ears almost everyday, leaving me confused, demoralized and unhappy.

It wasn't as if he was spending much on us. I only eat twice a day and little Mide survive on my breast milk  and few tins of baby milk concerned neighbors and especially our Landlady do give us.

The previous day, he almost strangle me all because i begged him to allow us stay few more months. I had no money on me because am not working and my family members all turned their backs on me and to them am as good as dead. I even took Mide to them when i gave birth to her thinking they will change their mind and forgive me for bringing shame to the family but they sent me away.

I murmured some prayers while i awaited my fate wondering if Bayonle will throw me out of his house and where i will go if he did throw me out of the house .

Bayonle soon woke up, ignored my greetings, washed his mouth and left the house without saying a word. I was terribly scared because of the way he looked at me. I know it was a matter of seconds before he throw us out of his room. I sobbed as i lamented at my fate.

"My mates are with their parents enjoying their lives and planning for a brighter future . Here i am suffering like a refugee" I reasoned with tears. "if only i had listen to him and terminated the baby i would not be here suffering in this manner. I said to myself bitterly. I equally knew i refused to do his bidding because i cant live with the guilt of killing an innocent child.

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