chapter 10

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I headed into the darkness of the night. I was filled with fear as i know not where to go. Bisi gave me her phone number. I blamed my parents for abandoning me in the first place. How could they be so heartless and cold towards their first child. They care not what happened to me all because i got pregnant with their grandchild. Despite the fact i begged them. I envied those whose who are blessed with understanding parents. If i had aborted the baby as Bayonle as  told me,  my parents would not have abandoned me, they wouldn't even know i was pregnant at all but the consequences may had be disastrous.

I decided to accept my fate. I searched for where to lay my head for the night. I saw an uncompleted building and moved in. I prayed earnestly to God for protection. I wept bitterly when i remembered my daughter and thinking i would not see her again made me so sad. I remembered Mama Ada and thought that i would narrate all i went through to her the following day when i eventually finds her.

In the middle of that same night, i heard footsteps. I curled up, listened attentively and prayed to God. The footsteps were coming towards the uncompleted building. My heart started beating faster, i heard their voice, they were men. A cold shiver ran through me.

They entered and saw me immediately, i saw them bring out their weapons. Guns, axes and cutlasses. They were six in number. I was able to count them because one of them shone a little touch light towards me.

" i mean no harms. Please don't kill me" my voice shaky.

"Who are you and what do you want here?"one of them barked and pointed the touch light at my face.

"Ibiyemi" i was shocked as the man that pointed the touch light at my faced called my name. "Is that you?". At this point i nodded my head, even if the name no belong to me na nod i go nod o at this point danger.

I finally looked up at the guy that called my name. I finally got it.

"Yinka"i called him

Yinka used to be my classmate until i got pregnant and stopped school. I used to assist him in his classwork and assignment back in those days. During exams, i wrote answers in a piece of paper, squeezed it and threw it to him.

"Hitler you know her?" that was the question his members started asking him.

I kept looking at his face in disbelief as he nodded his head in affirmation. He told his members to keep back their weapons.

That night i slept at his place. He told me to sleep on the bed while he slept on the floor.

When it was morning, i narrated all my ordeals to him. When i got to my escapade with Cassy, he breathed heavily, lowered his head and looked at me for a very long time. I was surprised when he told me he was Cassy's agent and that he can help me get back my daughter because of all the things i did for him in school.

There was a knock on the door. Is it Cassy?. Has she discovered that i had escaped?. Has she come to tell Yinka and his boys to find  me? She knows she will be in trouble if i escape.

Yinka hid me under his bed as he went to open the door.

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