chapter 12

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     ******Years Later*****

I struggled hard to further my education and also trained my daughter in school too. After everything, i graduated as a Lawyer. I got enough money from my clients. My daughter was enjoying a good life and was doing well in school. I bought myself a Range Rover sport car and owned a house. God really blessed me after many years of hardship.

An idea struck into me to visit home with my daughter to know the situation of things.

It was Mama Ada's place place i visited first. As i drove into the compound with my brand new car, it was Bayonle i saw. He kept looking at the car not seeing who was inside because the glasses were tinted. I also did not want him to see my daughter because he might ask after his daughter. When i parked the car, i told Mide to wait inside the car. I came down and pretended not to see him. He was looking old and haggard. I noticed him coming to me but i avoided him as i made my way to Mama Ada's place. When she saw me, she yelled and embraced me. Then Bayonle called my name, i ignored him. He prostrated on the ground and started begging me to forgive him. He told him how he married twice and  got no children from the two marriage.

"Eeya, pele, how is that my business" i asked him looking at him with disgust.
"How is my daughter?"Bayonle asked with crocodile tears flowing from his eyes. I felt no pity for him.

"Dead. Your daughter is dead". I saw how sad he was but it did not move me. I made up my mind never to forgive him. I watched him walked away in agony. Yes he deserves that.

Mama Ada told me he was telling the truth. She told me after gotten married for a long time, he got no child. His people told him to chase the woman away and marry another woman which he did and still yet no child to show for it. The doctors said there is nothing wrong with him and that God's time is the best.

"Serves him right. God is punishing him for all want he did to me and will suffer very well."that was all i said.

I gave Mama Ada all i bought for her. I gave her money too. She was so happy. I entered my car  and as i was driving away, Bayonle waved at me with tears in his house.

"mum who is that man over there?Mide said pointing to Beyonle. "He is nobody". i answered her.

I drove straight to my father's compound, it was my mother i saw first. As i came down with my daughter, i was surprised by the warm embrace she gave me. She apologized on her behalf and on behalf of her husband. She embraced my daughter too. I was happy when she called her 'my granddaughter'. I cried bitterly when she told me that my sisters died in a ghastly accident and that my father went for a meeting.

I was shocked when she said they had lost everything, that a woman from nowhere showed up and said almost all our lands belongs to her. She took the case to court because she has a lot of money. I told mum to relax that am now a lawyer. She did not believe me. As we were still talking, a car drove into the compound.

"That is the woman". my mother said.

The woman parked her car and stepped out. I was shocked when i saw Cassy come down from the car.

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