chapter one- found

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Two years later..

It's been two years since Niall left. I still haven't moved on, no matter how many people tell me I should, and he's not coming back. But I still have some sense of hope that sometime he will return to me. It's been about a year and a half since I had my daughter, Ivory Blye.

It's weird to think she will be two soon.

It hurts to look at her sometimes. She has Niall's eyes. And she looks just like him and matches his baby pictures.

"Mama," Ivy called out.

"I'm comin, baby." I picked her up from her seat where she was eating oatmeal for breakfast.
I pretty much went broke after he left, and because of all the stress I got distracted and lost my job. I made no money until after Ivy was born, because no one would take in a six month pregnant woman. Now I live in an apartment with my brother, Jameson.

I miss Niall often still. We are still legally married. I get notified when he uses money, and where he spends it. I've had police try and track him down and try and use the paparazzi but it's no use. He's gone. He's hidden away from his wife and daughter.
Left me broken with no money and a one year old baby that holds his last name. Horan.

Ivy waved her arms in the air as I pick her up, oatmeal coating my shirt.

"No, Ivy. You're getting on my shirt."

She giggled and I took off her bib.

"Mommy?" She asked me in a high pitched squeak.
"What baby," I reply.
"What happened to him?" She pointed to a picture of Niall.
"I don't know baby."
"Where did he go?"
"You wanna know too huh?"
"Yes, mommy."
"We'll figure it out sometime hopefully."
"But I want to know now!"
"So does mommy but we can't know now."
"Because it's a mystery. We don't know how to solve it."
"Sorry, toddler terms. We don't know what happened and we don't know how to figure it out."
Ivy often asked about all the pictures of the mystery man that hung about the house. And I don't blame her. I would question my mother too if she had random pictures of some man in our house that she never talked about. Especially if she cried looking at it often also.
I cleaned up Ivy and let her go play in her room. In the meantime, I cleaned up the oatmeal she chucked at the wall while "eating."
"Seriously Ivy?" I huff.
I scraped the mush from the pastel green tinted wall, but also listened to Ivy play to be sure she was safe. While cleaning, I get a notification. I pick up my phone and see a notification from BMO Harris Bank

BMO Harris Bank
You spent 34.96 at Target, in Boston at 10:41 A.M.

Only one person who uses this account could be in Boston.
I called the police to file a report for a missing persons who could possibly be in Boston near a Target. Let's hope for the best.
A few hours later I'm watching T.V. while Ivy naps.
"Finally! See I knew all along she would pick Conner!" I was watching the finale of the Bachelorette, my guilty pleasure of a show. Just then I hear my phone ringing. I pause the show and pick up the phone.
"Hello, this is the Boston police department. We would just like to notify you that your missing person report has been seen and we think we may have spotted the man who you are looking for."
"Okay, thank you."
"We are tracking him down, and may be able to get him. Keep us up to date with your notifications of where he may be. Currently he is seen near a Starbucks in Boston, so let us know if you get a notification for that."
I have an odd feeling in my throat, like I could cry. But I don't feel sad. Or happy. Or angry. Or anything really. I don't have an emotion. And I don't know why.
"Addison, we have a request for you, before you hang up."
"Yes?" My voice is croaky and I sound like a dying frog.
"Do you think you may be able to get to the police station in Boston?"
I live about forty minutes from Boston. So it's weird now that I think about it that he isn't too far from home after two years.
"Yeah, I should be there in about an hour."
"That's fine, ma'am."
"Okay. See you there."
I grab the diaper bag and make sure everything is inside. Hurriedly, I run to the second bedroom where Ivy is playing with her favorite stuffed animal, Puppers, a golden retriever puppy stuffed animal I received at her baby shower. It's her favorite and she can't be parted from it. I scoop her up and make sure she has Puppers, and run to the lobby.I get my GPS ready and head out to the car.
"Mommy, where are we going?"
"We're gonna find him."
"The guy in the picture." I whisper to her. A bright smile on her face showed through clearly, and I knew she was happy.
But I didn't know if I was happy. I was still upset with Niall for leaving. What was I going to say?
But on the other hand, I missed him so much. Probably more than an average person should miss another. He was my rock, my everything. And he just left me with his daughter, alone, to parent alone, raise alone, and pay for alone.
I was alone.
I needed my rock.
That's why I was searching for him.
I was going to find my rock, and nothing was stopping me.
I was going to find my Niall.

song—> strong by one direction

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