chapter twelve- lose them both

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Addison's POV

I lifted every pillow and blanket in the entire house in hopes that I'd find Ivy.

"Have you seen her at all?" I asked Niall as I hopelessly searched the house.

"No," Niall gulped.

Was I mad at him? Of course. Would I show that I was mad at him? Oh, for sure. Would I forgive him? Depending on where Ivy is, maybe.

I felt like I had searched every corner and crevice of the house, yet Ivy was still a no show. I made a checklist in my head.

The only other places she could be are under the sink, the backyard, or the front yard...

I shook my head. She couldn't be outside right? Unless...

"Niall?" I called.

Niall peeped around the corner from the hallway as I dug through the coat closet.

"Do you think she could be outside?" I made eye contact with him for a moment.

He shook his head and swallowed, his adam's apple bobbing. "God, I hope not."

"Me neither," I muttered.

After about fifteen more minutes, panic set in more than before. Ivy is missing, and once again it was Niall's fault.

"I'm going outside," Niall announced abruptly.

I nodded. "I'll stay in here just in case."

Niall gave me a slight nod before turning to the back door. I threw boots and bins and random towels that never made it to the wash from under my bed.

"Why would she be under my bed?" I whispered to myself. "She wouldn't be in half of these-"

I stopped when I head an agonizing scream. I recognized the voice.


I sprinted out of my room to the door, swinging it open and slamming it shut. I ran barefoot, racing down the street to where I heard the scream. My heart stopped when I saw.

Niall's POV

I stepped outside of the house and checked my surroundings for Ivy.

She couldn't have gone far, right?

I walked a bit farther down the street in hopes to see a small curly headed toddler. Suddenly, I heard a small cry.

"Ni Ni!" Ivy called. She started running across the street to me, where a car started coming.

"Baby, no!" I yelled before jumping in front of her.

I embraced her just before the impact hit.

A loud holler of pain spilled from my mouth, as well as probably blood. Ivy screeched into my chest. I didn't dare look down at her. I couldn't open my eyes from their squeezes shut state anyways, but I didn't want to see her hurt. I stroked her hair as my arm went numb. I heard the footsteps of the man who drove the car pattering against the black top coming towards us, but it faded as the rest of my hearing became ringing.

The man put his hand on my shoulder. I tried to open my eyes. Everything went black. The last thing I remembered was the man yelling for help.


The room was an icy cold. But it was a moving room? I realized I was probably in an ambulance. I felt someone's thin fingers shakily move my hair off my forehead. That's when I noticed how sweaty I was. My hair had stuck to my head and neck. I fluttered my eyes open to see the blurry figure of Addison.

As my focus was fixed, I intently stared at her. Her cheeks were stained with tears, and her flyaways were out of control. Her lip trembled, and I swear I saw drool. I didn't think much of her appearance though. I'm sure I looked like death.

Then I remembered what happened.

The car. The hug. My daughter sobbing into me. My scream. Her scream. The man. The ringing. The black top. Ivy.

Where is Ivy?

I furrowed my eyebrows, which throbbed insanely. It hurt really bad.

"Niall," Addison whispered.

"Where's Ivy," I managed to sputter.

"Niall, are you okay?" Addison shook off my comment.

No. Where is Ivy?

I attempted to shake my head, but that hurt too bad. Where was Ivy?

"Niall..." Addison repeated.

Don't bother about me, where is my daughter?

So many words I wanted to say but couldn't manage to get out. It was so frustrating. I couldn't move any of my limbs at all. I couldn't do anything.

Addison contributed to stroke my head. It relaxed me a bit before I remembered Ivy again.

Maybe if I squeeze my eyes shut and open them again, Ivy will appear.

It was a dumb thought, but I was desperate. I squeezed my eyes shut before reopening them. Still no Ivy. Addison gave me a weird look. I sighed in defeat. I needed to know where Ivy was.

Addison's POV

Niall kept making odd facial expressions. They would look weird on his face naturally, but in the dried blood state his face was in made it weirder. I stroked his head, hoping to get some of the dirt and blood off of it. His bright blue eyes sparkled still.

I glanced up for a moment to look at Ivy. She was unconscious completely. Her normally frizzy curls were matted to her head, and she had stains of blood and tears patterned on her face. I watched as an EMT used a baby wipe to wipe away the stains. I just had to have the mindset that she was just sleeping. It was just her nap time. That thought was comforting. Another EMT cut open her shirt and ripped off her cowboy vest. My heart shattered as I remembered her hyper and playful mood this morning, and how goofy she was.

I looked back down at Niall as he squeezed his eyes shut and opened them again.

What is he doing?

He looked so confused and hurt. I couldn't tell which one of us hurt worse. It hurt seeing him in such pain, when he didn't deserve it at all. I watched as his eyes fluttered shut, and he exhaled slowly.

Good, he's at peace for a little bit.

I sighed in relief. I felt relieved for a moment. That is, before I noticed he never inhaled again. I waited for about five seconds to see if he would.

He's not breathing.

oopsies teehee

song—> walls by louis tomlinson

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