chapter five- strong arms

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Addison's POV

I opened the spruce front door to a charming blondie. His bright and braced smile was shining vibrantly, his hand out towards me.

It felt like some sort of teen romance movie, yet i was living in it. We were going on our first date, but we wanted to be casual. I was wearing a short floral dress with long, loose sleeves.

I grabbed his hand and we walked to the car. We drove to our local Mickey's and picked out a small booth.

I remembered that night so clearly.

"So, casual question, if we had kids, what would you name them?" Niall asked me.

I thought for a moment before answering. "For a girl, Ivory."

"Ivory?" he looked at me with crooked brows. "Like elephant tusks?" He used his arms as a fake trunk and honked like an elephant.

I laughed. "Shut up! No, not like an elephant, stupid. I meant like just as her full name, and then call her Ivy."

"Ivy..." Niall hummed. "I like that. It's cute and simple." He smiled at me.

"Thank you," I replied.

"Now, Ivy would obviously have your lips..." he smirked.

"Oh stop," I swatted my hand at him.

"... and my eyes, my hair..."

"And my nose," I promptly finished.

"Yes, and your nose," he smiled back at me. "What about a boy?"

"Milo," I told him. I had thought about that a lot.

"Really?" he pondered on the name. "I kinda like that,"

back to present...

I remembered that day so clearly.

The weirdest thing was, Ivy had the same features we had talked about. She had my lips and nose, and Niall's eyes and hair. She has his feet too. Stanky things.

I sat on my bed, leaning against the headboard, deep in thought. Suddenly Ivy toddled in.

"Mommy?" she yawned.

Her blue eyes were shiny, and her face wasn't blushed enough for her to have just woken up.

Her blue eyes were shiny, and her face wasn't blushed enough for her to have just woken up

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"Did you just wake up?" I asked her as she climbed on my lap.

"No, I waked up and I was on picture guy's lap," she said.

"Really?" I asked her, drawing out the e.

"Yup! And he cuddled wif me. He has strong arms!" She flexed her skinny and lanky arms in the air.

I laughed. "Yeah, he does,"

"Who has strong arms?" An Irish accent filled the room.

My mouth still hanging open a bit, I answered. "Oh, uh, nobody..."

"You!" Ivy squealed, her smile lighting up the room.

"Do I, now?" Niall eyed me curiously while smirking.

"Yes!" Ivy started blabbing again. "You have so strong arms, I could not even get out!"

"Well I let ya out after all, darlin'," Niall laughed.

A/N i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry short chapter but hey gotta go watch nialls live bye love you

song—> since we're alone by niall horan

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