Chapter 21

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Clocks Benjawoman Jeffrah Tobuscus
Kill me.

   "We'll start lightly for your first lesson." Clockwork said. She Wore her signature outfit, and a plastic whistle hung around her neck.
   "Twenty pushups, 10 laps around the mansion, then we'll see how far you can sprint into the forest and find your way back,"
"That is pretty easy I gue-
"Blindfolded. The mansion is a little smaller than a football field." She finished.
"Oh. Well how the hell am I supposed to do that?"
"Your not, it's just me being a jerk. Now put this on after pushups and start the laps."
She started unfolding a lawn chair, and even though I knew what she was doing I asked her anyways.
"I'm setting up a motivation program. You can chill with me and watch seedeater do seedeater things after you find you way back through the forest." She said, setting up a cooler and grabbing a beer. She uncapped it and took a swig.
"I don't like beer very much, what else you got?" I asked.
Clockwork sat in the chair, "Gatorade, Powerade, water, caprisun-
I freaking crushed twenty pushups, tied the blindfold on and starting jogging with my hand on the mansions stone wall.
After the fifth lap- I had been keeping track of the laps by seeing how many times I passed the door, meaning I would probably trip on the stairs that lead up to it- I started sprinting.
Finishing the laps, I lined my heels up parallel to the stairs leading to the door, making sure I took off in a relatively straight line, and went zoom.
I kept running, and was not entirely sure how I would tell if there where limits to how far I would run, when I heard a voice.
I had started off sprinting, and was maybe at a running speed when the voice told me to stop.
"And who is this?" I asked.
"You know me, now turn around and start running at a fifteen degree angle to your right. You should find yourself where you began if you go in a straight line." He said lazily. It sounded like he was dying of boredom.
"...freaking Rain? Is that you?"
"It's funny how you remember me, even in those awful conditions in which we met. Now shoo, get going. Your two miles in the woods."
I turned around and carefully turned at an angle to my right.
"Thanks!" I said as I began a sprint.
I ran for awhile, until I felt an object in front of my ankles.
I crashed face first into the lawn, and ripped the blindfold off, looking up at clockwork.
"What the actual hell, y/n?" She asked.
"Where is it?" I demanded.
"The cooler! Where is it?!"
"It's over ther-
I didn't give her a chance to finish before I spotted the cooler and rushed to it.
Flung open the lid and pulled out a caprisun.
"Oh how I missed you, sweet sweet childhood." I said as I stabbed the straw in and sat down in the grass.
Clockwork laughed as she sat in her lawn chair, "all that for a caprisun?"
"You think I did that for only one caprisun?
"I want the entire fucking box."
"You must have real fond memories of them as a kid to be so obsessed now." She said taking a gulp of beer.
"Yeah... hah, it's actually that and something else."
"I just really like the flavor."
Clockwork laughed.
Wow, this was oddly satisfying.

This is y/n going for that caprisun:

It's not funny but it is to me *wheezing*

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