3. Obvious And Oblivious

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The next fresh day, Anita rose from her luxurious four poster bed. Her grand and gigantic room felt...well too spacey to put it into an interpretation or two. She slowly unraveled the quilts from her lanky body and sat cross-legged on the bed. Anita put her head in her large hands which covered her head like a bandana.

She went over what happened yesterday. After the Jacksons finished recording, James spoke to them about their success in the music business and how well they were doing. Anita just left the room and waited for James outside his expensive car.

Michael entered her mind. She felt so comforted at the thought of him. The way he sung, the way he danced-pure, pure soul. She had a type of crush on him. The type where you'd mostly adore someone for not their looks, but for what they did and their talents. Then it was his looks. And not even to start on his looks. Incredible.

She shaked the thought of Michael out of her lonely mind. Yawning, she stood up and looked to her right.

A note.

Sorry Anita, I am at an emergency meeting with my producers. You will not stay at home. You will be staying at the Jacksons house. Their house is only at the end of the road. Love you Anita,


Anita felt so much love for her Dad. She knew how he should have made time for her and everything, but he did try. He really did.

Oh no. Michael will be there....what am I going to do? Anita panicked.

She took several deep breaths to calm the anxiety that was overcoming her.

It's alright. Answer questions, be polite. Come on Anita, it's just the Jacksons. But...goodness, there are other Jacksons-who are girls. Ok, calm down.

Anita was ready. She had cleaned herself up and was looking fresh and immaculate. Her natural, black, curly afro hair was combed to the side. So in easier words her hair was left down.

She wore a floaty black jumper and slim fitting black bell bottoms which slightly showed off her figure. She had a bracelet which spelt the initials 'DR' in rhinestone. It sparkled in the light. This may not have been mentioned, but Anita always wore that bracelet. Bed, bath, anywhere.

Anita wore no make up, she despised it. Well lip balm, and lip gloss was an exception though she wore neither today. Her really plumped lips were already moist and soft.

Black fitted pumps covered her slim but long feet. Anita never stopped wearing flat shoes.

She had a black messenger bag which had her special pencils in them, a 'Peter Pan' book, and her most prized possession-her leather sketchbook. All of these things were just in case things turned to be awkward and she had nothing to do. Good call, Anita.

It seemed that everything Anita was wearing was black. And it was true. If you didn't count the rhinestone bracelet. Noticing this, Anita opened her large beige wardrobe and took out a funky, splashed paint thick belt and wrapped it around her waist.

She glanced at her self on a large mirror stuck behind the door. Anita truly thought she looked incredibly ugly, but she thought the belt added some liveliness and colour to her clothing. She made sure every room's window was locked.

Anita had the house keys. She gracefully made her way down the spiral, glossy wooden stairs and stepped outside. She locked the door and double checked that she had. Come on, you wouldn't want a random imposter jumping into your house like it was free life would you?

Anita inhaled the fresh air and the sweet aura of roses which were growing healthily on her large front lawn. It reminded her of Michael. Just Michael.

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