7. Fairytale Blues

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A day later, Anita was in a large area with green neat and fresh grass. The weather was quite warm with the sun beating down Anita's back.

James wasn't at home. Again.

He had another 'essential' meeting with some producers for his music.

Anita was quite sad. James had not even bothered to make time for Anita, not even to make up for leaving Anita on her own.

Anita breathed in the cool air. She felt so free, so light. Her long white dress with thick straps blew sideways in the quick wind. Her afro hair was freely left out, and she wasn't wearing any shoes. In a way she was, but her cream sandals were next to her.

Anita fingered her rhinestone bracelet. She deeply sighed. She wasn't free, she was trapped in the thoughts of her mother.

Who was she? What did she look like? What did she die of? How did she meet James? And a million other questions.

Anita was on the verge of crying. She furiously blinked her big eyes. Her long eyelashes were already damp.

Come on Anita..don't cry...Anita was determined not to cry.

She looked down and took a deep breath in. Then slowly exhaled. Her head was beginning to ache. She rubbed her forehead in circular motions.

"Forgotten something?" A voice was heard. A sweet voice.

A leather book and a black messenger bag came into sight. She slowly looked up. It was Michael, holding her leather book and bag.

It seemed that his afro had been trimmed. It was a bit smaller but he was looking good. And for Anita, that meant good.

She stared into his brown eyes. She felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She did not react. Michael was the cause of the pain, just Michael.

He had a deep brown/cherry red shirt on with printed white floral flowers own. He had neat and long folded collars and had a silver watch on.

"Hey," Michael said, slightly smiling with his lips and sat down beside her. A bit of space was between them.

Michael handed her Anita's bag and leather sketch book. When Anita collected the items, the tip of their fingers accidentally came in contact.

It did not seem like Michael noticed, but Anita did. She felt like she had stuck a wet finger in an electrical socket and gotten an electric shock! All the things that Anita could feel...and just for one boy.

"Hey.Thank you so much. I'd forgotten all about it, sorry," Anita apologised.

"It's fine. And...your sketchbook was kind of wet so I dried it...and when I dried it I...." Michael sounded quite embarrassed.

"Looked through it?" Anita finished for him.

"Yeah," Michael said nervously and bit his lip. Not in that way, it was just a habit.

Don't bite your lip...gosh don't bite your lip! Butterflies... Anita thought.

Anita had a small smile plastered on her face. She put her long arms and wrapped them beneath her legs. She looked over at Michael.

"Sorry," Michael said.

Why was he sorry? Anita wouldn't have minded if he went through her personal diary! Alright that's going a bit too far...

"You don't need to be sorry. And thank you for drying it," Anita fully smiled admiring the view of Michael. He was just so...caring..and kind. It was all so rare to see that in a person. Too rare.

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