They seem to get along well =u=

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Margrethe Grimaldi

The great me brought my sister along to the Liechens Mansion, it was the young lady, Criselda's birthday.

Her age is closer to my dearest cute sister so I am sure they shall get along.

"Miss Margarethe! I am so glad you were able to attend!Ypu are late!"

Criselda this chubby child hugged me which made me hug her as well, this is how I remember her even from before only because I was discreet enough to tell off some fellow noble to stop such unpleasant gossip behind her family.
"Clearly we are not tardy, we are simply on time. 8:00 sharp."

My dear sister snapped at the hostess, ah yes... this is how you are able to survive this place. Stand above the rest. Brutal but effective if I am asked, afterall in my past life I was never defied even by the royal princess.
I must really say though my family is a genius lineage! Even my dear sister is a genius.

"My oh my! young miss of the Grimaldi family, I must be of awful memory to forget your name."

"You are on point! You are an awful host, neither of us are invited in."

I smiled at my adorable little sister when young master Chris appeared behind his step sister.

"Ladies, the tea party is about to commence when shall you enter?"

He is the next head of the Liechen family, his dark hair flowinf down on his golden eyes. He is a very handsome young man, he's older than me of a year and yet his aura diminishes the aura I have been exuding from this tiny body. I cannot restore my past intimidating air but managed to improve it as days past and yet he was able to dininish it in a second. He is by far the most excellent man I have ever seen.

He was not able to succeed the title of the Duke of Niflheim as his whole family was massacred by the other branch of the family.

"We shall enter now."

I smiled at him and him looking a bit taken aback smiled back and lead the way.

I must say that this party is marvelous as expected of the duke from the West. But I seem to not be able to befriend any of these young ladies, they are by far too shallow and my insights are impeccable. I turned to see my sister getting along well with lady Criselda. When something caught my eye.

Out on the dark balcony a figure that seemed to be Sir Chris and another young man facing off with a cloaked figure, I am trying really hard to remember but the cloaks' shape is really peculiar, a pointy back of the hood that covers the whole face by mesh and its color while really black but when stiked by the light is actually a dark shade of heavenly blue. That cloak is enchanted.

Suddenly I saw a glisten as they started to be a bit hustled and everyone suddenly looked towards...

Criselda and MY SISTER!

I saw the needle like icicle, enchantment! I stood in front of the blade and brought out my fan to use it as a shield and caught it enchanting it myself to stop the momentum.

How foolish! I glared towards the balcony but the cloak man was nowhere to be found and the two males are a stood in place.

I was the Passive Narsississtic Sister of the Villain(Under Construction!)Where stories live. Discover now