Harry ~ irl tinder

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I walked out and stood in front of the sign that said yes or no. I had been invited to be on Sidemen Tinder and I couldn't be more excited. I had watched one or two sidemen videos before nothing major. I stood in front of the boys "Hi i'm Y/N i'm Y/A (you can pick an age) and i'm from Y/P" (wherever you want) A quite small guy was standing right in front of me "Hi I'm Ethan i'm 24 and-" He jumped a little then started rocking around "was that a earthquake because you just shook my world" Jesus. "Wow um okay that's gotta be a no sorry Ethan" I said I felt really bad because he seemed like a really nice guy the pickup line just wasn't it though. I went through the rest saying yes and no mostly no but one guy had caught my interest. "Hi i'm Harry i'm 22 and if I land this bottle flip will you swipe right" All the guys laughed he must have done this before. The bottle was half full and it looked pretty decent for a flip but he still managed to not land it. Everyone laughed as Harry groaned. "You know what Harry you can go to yes A for effort" I said. Harry was really cute and even though he didn't try I could tell he was a nice guy. He cheered as all the other guys at no complained. Soon enough I had made my choices and then I got asked why I said no to the boys who were at no. I started with Ethan. "You seem like a really nice guy Ethan but that pickup line will never work i'm sorry" I said. He said stuff like 'fair enough' and 'that's fine.' Then it was on to JJ I think it was. "You just bragged about being rich that's not gonna work" I stated speaking for some girls who aren't gold diggers. "You said yes to Harry and he didn't even land it how's that fair then" JJ said very loudly but I wouldn't call it shouting. "Well that's because Harry didn't brag or anything and he's cute" I said the last part quite quiet hoping Harry wouldn't hear and only JJ. "Fam are you saying i'm not cute look at me" JJ said loudly again. Well Harry knows I called him cute now thanks JJ. I then explained the rest and walked away. After that I just went home I think Sidemen post on Sundays so i'm going to have to wait. It was only a Wednesday I kept thinking to myself if they are going to add me calling Harry cute I hope not because i'd probably get hate which I don't want. I was sitting on my phone in bed when my roommate Ali burst in. "How was it any fit boys" she said. Ali is only a year younger than me and the reason we're friends in the first place is because me and her brother dated. Awkward right. Even after I broke up with her brother she was still my best friend so we decided to move in together. "They were all relatively fit Ali but oh my god this one boy his name was Harry he was gorgeous" I said. We started fangirling like normal girls do. Ali decided she wanted to see Harry so I showed her the Sidemen channel and pointed him out. "God Y/N he's well fit" Ali said scanning the screen. I nodded suddenly I heard my phone go off it was a instagram DM. I read to Ali since it was no one I had texted before. "Wro-e-toshaw did I say that right Wro-e-toshaw wait yeah sure let's go with it. He said 'Hey Y/N it's Harry wait oh my god" I read out Ali started screaming then quiet downed when she saw I was going to read out the rest. "I had to ask the people who invited you for your instagram so I could message you just wanted to say your really nice and I would love to get to know you" I read out loud to Ali. "YES" we both screamed. "Wait oh my god Harry wants to date you" Ali screamed. "No he dosent he wants to get to know me two complete different things dumbass" I said. "Well what are you gonna say back" Ali said calming down. "I'm just gonna say that would be great and i'd love too that's good right" I said nervous I had never had a famous youtuber want to get to know me. "Yeah yeah just send that" said Ali. "I'm going to make us some drinks" Ali winked. God she's amazing I sent Harry the message. I cant wait to get to know him.

Hi this is my first like story ahaha enjoy
I'll try do a lot of imagines.

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