Ethan ~ On Holiday

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Ethan's POV
Me and all the lads are going to Ibiza for 2 weeks and I'm well excited. We're sitting on the plane right now waiting for it to go in the sky. By were I mean: me, Harry, JJ, Simon, Tobi, Vik, Josh, Lux, Freezy, Jordz, Randolph and Kon. I'm sitting at the window seat beside Simon and on the end is JJ very bad plane combo I know. The plane starts to move and eventually goes into the sky 10 minutes later after staring out the window for ages I started to drift off to sleep. I was awoken by Simon shaking me violently. "I'm up" I groaned stretching.
Time skip to them checking into the hotel
We have just checked into the hotel and are walking through the doors to the hotel. There was massive ass pool and lots of fit ladies. I'm walking past the pool to the hotel but this girl caught my eye. She has Y/SC (skin colour) she has this beautiful red bikini on that compliments her body so much. I must be staring because she sat up her face is perfect she has these plump lips that must have lip gloss on them. She took off her sunglasses to reveal her Y/EC (eye colour) "Can I help you sorry that sounded really rude" She said softly. Her voice is so soft. "Sorry yeah I was just going to my room sorry again" I said. Idiot. "That's alright i'm Y/N" she said. Y/N what a name. "I'm Ethan i'll maybe see you around" I said. "Hurry up Ethan" I heard someone shouting. "Bye Ethan" Y/N said she put her sunglasses back on and lay back on the sun bed again. I walked backed over to everyone else. "What happened mate" said Freezy. I just shook my head motioning to forget it. I was sharing a room with Harry which is fine. We all just got ready in our swim shit. We all head down I look around kind of hoping to see Y/N and I do. She's talking to another girl presumably her friend. She looks around and notices me she winks at me and smirk back. "Ethan cmon lets go swim" said Harry. I just nodded and we both jumped in i'm pretty sure Harry landed on a kid.
Time skip to night
I was just walking around the hotel on a wander because I couldn't sleep. I hear a bunch of men laughing. Night out typical. I walked round and seen a bunch of guys then seen Ethan. Ethan was a very very attractive guy who I am very attracted too. He is the perfect height because i'm very small so he's a great height not too tall not too small. I don't think he's drunk because he's getting all his friends to their rooms safely or he's the one when drunk is the mum of the group. "Hey Ethan what's up" I said walking over to him. "Hey yeah help me get these guys to their rooms please they are like fucked" Ethan said you could hear the desperation in his voice. "Ooo pretty" said JJ. "Hi" I said I figured there was no point in introducing myself because I know he won't remember it in the morning. "Just ignore them" Ethan said to me I nodded. "Okay can you take Harry back to my room it's room 124" Ethan said. "Can I go with the pretty girl" said Harry. "Yes yes you can Harry" said Ethan. "Thank you so much" Ethan said to me. "It's no problem you owe me though" I said jokingly winking at him. I took Harry back to room 124. "Here's the key" said Harry putting it in the door and then stumbling in. "This is my bed thank you for taking me and are you and Ethan shagging" Harry said. "No we are not" I said to him. Harry just nodded and fell asleep I decided to wait on Ethan because for some reason I just wanted to talk to him. After about 15 minutes of waiting on the couch I heard a key go into the lock on the door. I stood up and looked toward the door and as I guessed. "Y/N your still here" Ethan said happily. "Yeah I just wanted to like talk I guess" I said. He nodded understanding it was quiet but it wasn't a awkward quiet. I could tell we both had a feeling inside of us. I had just met this man and I wanted him. I walked over to him I felt his hand creep onto my waist as I placed a hand on the side of his neck. We both leaned in closer and closer until his soft lips touched mine. For a moment it was soft and then it became more rough and before you know it stuff was happening between us. I know that me and Ethan are gonna have great fun on this holiday.

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