Vik ~ Minecraft Girlfriend

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Vik's POV
Me and this girl have been friends for a while now. We met on a minecraft server iconic I know. We had played in the same server then I asked to play with her again on the chat she agreed and we played all night. Then she needed to go so I read her username and friended her. She had accepted it and then I messaged her privately. I had asked for her number and insta and she gave me both. We've now been friends for about 6 months and she is absolutely beautiful and funny. Her name is Y/N. Me and her are planning to meet up next week and I couldn't be more nervous or excited. All the boys know about her and laugh at me because we met on minecraft so it's funny I guess. We are in the middle of filming when I feel my phone buzz it's a second channel video so I just check it. It was Y/N she was texting asking if I could come on any game. I texted her back saying no sorry I was filming. She also knows i'm a youtuber because she is too she has 2 million subscribers which isn't bad. She mainly does gaming but also other stuff. Her channel name is Y/CN (channel name) and she's actually really good at the whole youtube thing she also streams a lot of games. People know we play together and are friends because we'll post a win on a game or something and tag each other we are a iconic duo. It seems everyone knows I like her except her yeah I know classic romantic film. The boys always make fun about it and everyone in the chat when we stream together and it always scares me she'll read one out. I want to tell her myself not the media.
Time skip to next week
I'm meeting Vik for the first time today and I can't wait for it. I'm currently getting ready i've been in the shower and i'm drying my hair right now. After I finish I put on my makeup then my lashes. I thought I looked pretty nice I then I put my hair into long plete. I then put on my tracksuit then my Sidemen hoodie that I bought. I brushed my teeth and grabbed a bottle of water for the car ride. I grabbed my keys and walked out. I locked my door and walked to my car in my drive. I get in and drive to Vik's house he gave me his address over text. I knock on the door and he answers. "Vik" I said excitedly hugging him. Poor guy didn't expect it but hugged back. I was a bit taller than him but that was okay. "Your small" I said laughing he rolled his eyes "yeah yeah whatever come in" he said smiling. "Make yourself at home it's good to see you" he said he had the biggest grin on his face. "It's good to see you too Vik" I said I sat down on his couch. "Let's watch a film" he said grabbing the remote then sitting beside me. I put my arm around him as a joke but I didn't want to pull it away and it didn't see he wanted me to either so I didn't. We picked out 'the fault in our stars' and both ended up cuddling and crying together. As soon as the film ended we looked at each other and we just leaned in we both wanted it. I put my hand on his face as we kissed it started of soft but then turned into a full on make-out. We eventually pulled away for breathe but we were lying on the couch together him on top of me. "Well" I laughed and we just laughed together. "I've been wanting to that since I first seen you" he said quietly. I blushed and kissed him again. We ended up cuddling and I fell asleep. I awoke the next day on the couch alone. I sat up and Vik was sitting on the other side of the couch showered, dressed and looked ready to go. "What can I say i'm a early bird" he said looking at me. "Speak for yourself" I said yawning my plete was all messed up so I took it out and tipped my head upside down then flicked it back up and ran my hand through it. "That- that was hot" I heard from beside me I just laughed at him. "So what does this make us then" I said as I leaned against the arm of the chair. "Well I really like you" He said blushing not wanting to look at me. "Vik look at me" I said he looked up at me. "I like you too so would you like to be my boyfriend" I asked he looked confused. "Hey you stole my next line but yes I would like to be you boyfriend Y/N" He said as we laughed.

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