Chapter 20

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Celeste was standing near the railing of the french ministry thinking about what this ambush means. She had an unsettling feeling about it, but she pushed the feelings down as she turned around to catch her brother and Theseus whispering to each other before Gilbert pulled him in a breathtaking kiss. She smiles before turning around, chewing down her bottom lip.

And that was when she noticed another Theseus Scamander with Tina. She looked at the real Theseus before looking down, her mouth open in shock. Even the fake Theseus noticed her staring at him. His face brightened up before a realisation set on his face, making him panic.

He pulled Tina alongside somewhere out of her eyesight. "Fuck." She whispered under her breath before she approached Theseus and Gibert. "Disaster incoming." Celeste whispered to them. "What do you mean?" Theseus asked.

Celeste looked around before whispering. "Newt is here. Disguised as you. No wonder he is not an auror." Celeste said, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Merlin's beard. What was he even thinking." Theseus grumbled under his breath.

Their conversation was cut short as French aurors gathered where everyone was at standby. "Damn it." Celeste swore under her breath. "The meeting starts in an hour at Lestrange tomb which lies in Père Lachaise. He is rallying for support." The French head of auror informed them.

"Why there?" Celeste wondered before it clicked to her. "Credence." She muttered under her breath. As everyone was getting ready to leave for the location, Celeste looked around to find Leta, to tell her to be vigilant but she was nowhere to be seen.

Celeste just let out a long sigh and led the team towards the exit so they could apparate to Père Lachaise. "Why do you think Newt was here?" Theseus asked in a whisper. "I have a hunch but that doesn't mean this is less complicated for us." Celeste whispered back, stepping into the elevator.

As soon as they apparated to Père Lachaise, the aurors and hit witches and hit wizards sprung into action. The groups were made, walking to the place separately . Celeste was leading a team of twelve aurors as she approached the auditorium where the meeting was held. She knew it was a trap, but she knew he didn't know about aurors and hitwitches and hitwizards.

"Remember, use minimum force on civilians. Do not spare the acolytes but do not use the killing curse." Celeste commanded as she halted near the opening of the auditorium. "And remember, We try our best to capture Grindelwald." Celeste said before entering the auditorium.

To her horror, there were hundreds of civilians and tens of acolytes listening to Grindelwald intently. He was in the middle of showing the effect of the last war and scary possibilities of potentially another world war.

Celeste signaled the aurors and hit witches and wizards to spread out and blend in. Celeste quietly walked down the stairs and stood between a French lady and a German man. She took in a deep breath as Grindelwald started to speak again.

"Do nothing when I speak of this. You must remain calm and contain your emotions." Grindelwald addressed the crowd, playing with his wand. "There are Aurors here among us. They wish to capture us, and end our motives to turn this world around for good." Grindelwald continued. Celeste's eyes grew wide as she turned around to look for her colleagues. They were grossly outnumbered. Celeste knew that this crowd was hostile and that her team was not safe.

"Celeste Scamander, I know you are here. I know you have your team here. Come forward, join us." Grindelwald spoke up. All blood drained from her face, but she stepped outside of the crowd and stood on the flight of stairs. "You are feeding your poison and sadly they are drinking it like an elixir." Celeste said, discreetly slipping her wand through its holster.

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