One Word

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His red, searing light saber was inches away from your face. The energy it was producing felt hotter than the droughts in hell.

"Disrespect me again and watch what happens," he seethed through clenched teeth. All air escaped from your lungs as you attempted to cling onto consciousness. 

"I'm sorry, Commander Ren," you barely gasped. You felt your vision slowly return as air rushed back into your lungs. You sat there heavily breathing for a minute before Kylo retracted the beam back into its hilt. You were too scared to look at him, so you kept your gaze focused on the ground. You hardly noticed the stream of tears that had been pouring from your eyes the past few minutes.

Kylo was angry and rightfully so. He had a lot on his plate already, and you lying to him about where you'd been didn't help. Your thoughts drew back to how this whole scene started. You showing up to training 20 minutes late. You telling him it was because you overslept. Him probing your thoughts to see that you were lying.

He probably wouldn't have been that angry if it wasn't for what you were actually doing. What you were caught twice for doing. You'd been going through the First Order's database to find out any information about who your family was. Not only was this forbidden by the First Order, Kylo knew that your loyalties were divided. Between him, and your family. He knew if he kept you in the dark, you would have to choose him. That there'd be no questions.

In this moment, though, there was no sympathetic Kylo. A sight you had only seen once in your three months of training with him. In this moment, there was only angry Kylo. Irrational, unhinged, unpredictable Kylo. You had no idea how far he would go. 

"Get up," you heard him say with his back to you. It wasn't angry. It was...emotionless. Something that scared you just as much.

You quickly obeyed and were back on your feet again. Kylo still had his back to you, so you just stood there, unsure of what to do. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, he finally turned to face you. 

"If you show up so much as a second late to training tomorrow..." he drifted off, too furious to finish the rest. And with that, he walked out, boots clanking as he did so. 

You let out a breath of relief that you hadn't realized you'd been holding in. Your heart was still racing from the near death experience. Kylo had gotten angry with you before, but he'd never come so close to actually hurting you. Sure, there was the occasional injury that comes with training, but Kylo had never tried to intentionally hurt you. A part of you wondered if he wanted to.

Gaining your composure, you gathered your things and made your way through the winding halls of Star Killer Base. As soon as you reached your room, you thought about what you had seen on the database screens. After weeks of planning and two failed attempts, you'd finally gotten what you came for. Most of your file was redacted and utterly useless except one word: Kenobi.

AllureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora