Chapter 2: Trouble from the Shadows

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Adah, Saya, Ruby, Talia, Jake and Aspik are my ocs

The hyraxes were having fun and playing around and eating berries but something was watching them from the shadows and it made a hissing sound. The hyraxes looked at the shadows when they heard the sound and then came two glowing green eyes staring at them...

"Welcome back Granny!" Sid said excited as he hugged his old grandma. "I don't believe it! How did that old sloth find her way back to us?" Buck asked surprised and amazed by the old sloth.

"Granny? No way! I knew you looked familiar!" Tackle said excited as he approached the old sloth. "Sid showed me a cave painting of you once" he told her as the old sloth looked at him while still in Sid's arms. "Who's this fuzzball Sydney?" She asked him.

"Oh this Diego and Shira's son, Tackle" Sid told her and Granny finally got out of the sloth's hug. She approached the cub, eyeing him up and down. Then her face soften into a smile. "Awww what a little cutie" she awed at the cub as she rubbed his furry head.

"He's more cuter than you Sydney when you were his age" Granny told Sid cranky. "Yep you haven't change a bit Granny" Sid commented plainly but he smiled, happy to have his granny back.

"SQUEAK! SQUEAK SQUEAK!" Some squeak sounds came up and the hyraxes, a lot of them, suddenly came running in panic. The Herd got startled a bit as the hyraxes were all over the place!

"Oh is there a welcome party for us?" Granny asked curious. "It looks like something spooked them" Ellie said concern as the mammoths stayed still, afraid to step on the fuzzy cuties.

"Uh Sid? Translation?" Diego asked as some of the hyraxes climbed all over him again. "What's wrong little guys?" Sid asked Fuzzy, the leader of the hyraxes, walked up to him and explained everything panic.

"They said that they saw a big huge scary snake. That's what got them spooked" Sid explained as the Herd looked at him.

"Aw the poor little cuties are spooked" Brooke said worried as she cradled one of the hyraxes.

Fuzzy then ran and got a stick and started tracing what the snake looked like while talking. The Herd gathered around curious. "Ok let's see. It was black with green eyes and had like green rocks on it" Sid translated what Fuzzy was saying as he finished his drawing.

"Weird. Sounds like..." Vibe started but when she saw the drawing, her eyes got big and her wild mane stood up spooked.

"Sounds like Aspik!" She said alarmed and panic and she quickly turned around and ran off. "Vibe wait! Who's Aspik?" Tackle called her but the pup was already gone.

"Well that was sudden" Crash commented surprised but no one notice Sasha spying on them from a bush "Aspik?" She said surprised before she left to tell Ramous.

"Aspik? She's back?" Adah asked Vibe surprised with Saya by his side while Talia, Jake and Ruby watched. "It's gotta be her Adah" Vibe told him serious.

The blue saber frowned at this as he turned around, his back facing the others, thinking. "Why would Aspik show up again?" Jake asked puzzled. "Last time she was seen was when she told Ramous her vision about the Herd. And that was last year." Jake explained, looking at Adah

"She must have had another vision. That's the only time she shows up" Talia mentioned as she got up on her feet. "We all know that when Aspik shows up, there's trouble" she told them serious.

"That's true Talia. But what if..." Adah said pausing and the whole Scavenger Pack looked at him curious on his answer. They all looked at eachother and then back to Adah. Whatever he was gonna say, it was gonna involve Aspik.

He turned his head around to look at them "...what if we could get Aspik on our side" he suggested serious.

"What?!" The whole pack said shocked and wide eye. "Wait a second! Wait a second!" Vibe said quickly and alarmed as she spun around, freaking out. "There's no way Apsik would go to our side. She goes for no one's side" Ruby told them wide eye.

Adah stared at them all "True but she has the power to see visions of the future. And she is a powerful healer. Talia. Jake. You two will go tell the Herd to recruit Aspik" he told them and the two wolves stood up and nodded.

"Oh oh! Let me come too!" Vibe said excited as she followed the wolves but then Talia came and snarled at Vibe angrily and the pup got down spooked. "No!" she told Vibe serious. "Please. I wanna help" Vibe begged her "Last time you said you failed in keeping Tackle safe" Talia reminded her angry as Vibe whimpered.

"Give her chance Talia" Jake told his mate serious. The she wolf sighed and walked away. Vibe watched her and she felt upset. She didn't mean to mess up the plan.

Adah came and nudged her and she looked at him as he smiled at her warmly "Don't worry Vibe. We all make mistakes. What's important is we fix them" he advised her. Vibe smiled at him and nodded. Vibe ran off after the wolves as Adah, Saya and Ruby watched them leave.

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