Memories that are lost, can be found.

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It had been 7 years since Chihiro last visited the Spirit world. Seven years since she saw the friendly faces which she now calls family. She wanted desperately to return to the Spirit world, but life was stopping her, it kept throwing obstacles in her way. First it was the arrival of her younger twin sisters when she was twelve, second was the car accident which resulted in her mum and dad's death. This however shook Chihiro to her core, she cried for months on end. Chihiro didn't come out of her room, she just sat there staring into space. Chihiro and her sisters are staying in a children's home near their old house, it was too painful for her to look at the house as it brought back the memories of her childhood.

"The girl ran away as quick as she could, not looking back at the bathhouse which was disappearing behind her. Soon she was faced with the land that was once filled with water, she took a step forward and walked towards the abandoned theme park. She heard voices calling her name, the girl ran towards them and was reunited once again. They walked through the tunnel with their arms linked and huge smiles on their faces. The end"

"Aww, Please tell us more Chihiro!" cried Aoi, jumping on her bed

"I told you the whole story Aoi" I giggled "Just like the last a thousand times you heard the story"

"But what happens next? does she and the dragon meet again like he promised? does she return to the spirit world?" questioned Sakura

"I don't know Sakura, it isn't my story" i said, tucking my sisters into their beds

"Oh, please Chihiro!" cried Aoi

"Good night" I said , turning off the light before closing the door

Once the door was closed shut, I closed my eyes and leaned against the wall. I didn't tell them the truth that the girl was me, they probably wouldn't believe me anyway.

I walked along the corridor and into my own room, where my two best friends were waiting for my return. As I sat on my comfy bed, they started to bombard me with lots of questions.

"Chihiro, did you tell the story about the girl going into the spirit world again?" asked Hina, laying on her bed, while she wiggled her legs in the air.

"Yes, they do love that story" I sighed, laying my head on my pillow

"Could you tell the story to us?" asked Yua, looking at me with puppy dog eyes

"Telling the story once is exhausting enough, I don't think I can tell the story again!" I said, looking at Yua and Hina

"Please!" teased Hina, jumping on my bed

"Seriously, you guys are just as bad as my sisters!" I sighed, sitting up

"We won't stop until you tell us!" exclaimed Yua, jumping on my bed

I just laid on my bed and pretended to sleep. Eventually, they exhausted themselves out and fell asleep. I sat up and grinned at them, I played their own game and won. I didn't fall asleep straight away, I stayed up and thought about the spirit world. I wondered what they were doing and if they thought about me. If I went there now, would they recognise me?

I violently shook that thought out of my head and fell asleep. Memories of 7 years ago flooded back into my mind like water in a bathtub, that's when I realised I wanted to return back to the Spirit world.


The next day, I was shook awake by Yua. Instantly, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My dreams of the spirit world faded away and I was back into reality.

"Chihiro, you slept through your alarm! you are going to be late for school!" yelled Yua

I looked at my clock on my bedside table and saw 8:23. I jumped out of bed and ran towards my wardrobe, Why did I let myself sleep through my alarm! Yua and Hina sat on their beds and watched me run around the room like a headless chicken. Of course, they were ready to go, but I wasn't. I needed to quickly eat breakfast, brush my teeth and hair before I even walk through the door.

Many minutes after I scoffed my breakfast down, frantically attacked my teeth with a toothbrush and roughly beated my hair with my hairbrush, I finally walked out of the front door at 8:30. School started at 9 and I couldn't afford to be late again or else I will get a detention.

Me, Yua and Hina ran up the hill faster than we ever had done in cross country, the school was usually a five to ten minute walk but this time it felt like we had been walking for hours. Finally, the school was in reach, I stopped for a millisecond to catch my breath. I am never sleeping through my alarm again! I thought to myself.

We walked through the school doors a few minutes before nine o clock. The three of us quickly rushed to homeroom, the bell rang as soon as we sat down in our seats. We exchanged a quick high five which nobody noticed.

After the eventful morning nothing else exciting happened. By the time we were in my last lesson, I wanted the school day to be over. The bell signalling the end of the rang, and my heart soared as I jumped out of my seat and walked out of school, arms linked with my two best friends.

Once we arrived back at the house, I was greeted by sisters. They both had evil smiles on their faces, they were planning something, and I wanted to know what it was.

It was that time again. Bedtime, as I tucked Sakura and Aoi into their beds, they kept giggling and whispering something to each other. As their older sister I was very concerned if their plan was dangerous, so I decided to sneak into their room at night to keep an eye on them.

The hall clock chimed a cheery tune at eleven o clock at night, I snuck out of my room and quietly closed the door behind me. The floor was cold as my feet touch it, once I made it to my sister's room, I quietly opened the door, stepped inside and closed it behind me.

I walked over to my sister's beds and checked inside to see if they were there. To my astonishment they were empty, that's when my heart started to panic. I ran over to the light switch and light flooded the room instantly. That's when I saw my sisters and knew what their plan was.

Blast from the past- A Spirited Away Fanfiction ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin