The cure to the problem

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I knocked on Zeniba's door loudly. I didn't want to be standing outside for a long time with my 'zombie' friends. Thankfully Zeniba opened the door within minutes of me knocking, the group of us walked in and everyone except me fell to the floor with exhaustion.

"Chihiro, how lovely to see you!" said Zeniba, giving me a warm hug "What's wrong with your friends?"

"They are exhausted Granny" I sighed "I gave them coffee, but it didn't wake them up!"

"No Face, please can you get me the yopule powder!" called Zeniba

No Face soon appeared with a bowl of yellow powder. He looked guiltily at me when he handed the bowl to Zeniba, he didn't speak a word to me at all.

"Hello, No Face" I said, smiling at him

"Chihiro" said No Face

What no hello? How have you been? How rude is this guy! I suddenly remembered why he was like this, he felt guilt about making everyone unconscious. No Face didn't look gravely injured like Kamaji described, I guess Zeniba nursed him back to health. "Lucky him" I thought. "What about Lin and Haku? Do they not deserve to be cured?"

"Chihiro, I know why you are here" said Zeniba "You need my help to wake everyone up"

"Yes Granny!" I said, "Could you please help us?"

"Of course, dear" said Zeniba "No Face get my bowl!"

"No Face is here?" exclaimed Kamaji, quickly standing up

"No Face is trying to make amends for his actions, I'm making him work very hard for me" said Zeniba "I know what he did was terrible, his anger does get the better of him sometimes. He is very sorry though Chihiro"

"I know what he means, my anger gets the better of me sometimes too" I said

"Do you forgive me Chihiro?" begged No Face, holding a bowl

"It's not me you have to apologise to" I said

"Oh yes, Haku and Lin!" said No Face "I feel so guilty, I know they would never have left you leave without a fight!"

"I do remember they fighting with the police officers" I said " I feel so lucky to have amazing friends in my life"

"I feel so bad" said No Face, his tears fell from his eyes and onto the floor "Do you think they will forgive me?"

"I know Lin and Haku. They will forgive you" I said, smiling

"Haku is very lucky to have you" said No Face

I turned red like a tomato. If Haku was here, he would call me tomato and tease me endlessly. Oh, how I miss him calling me tomato.

"Chihiro, you have turned a shade of red. Are you okay?" asked Zeniba, as she put ingredients in her bowl

"Tomato!" teased Sakura, giggling

"Tomato?" asked No Face, Kamaji and Zeniba

"That's Haku's nickname for Chihiro" said Aoi "Isn't it adorable?"

"What a strange nickname" said Kamaji "What do you call Haku?"

"Dragon boy" I said

"Everyone calls him that!" sighed Hina "Call him Green beans, because his hair is green!"

"Green beans" I said "I like it"

"Aww, Green beans and tomato!" said Yua

"How long until the potion is ready?" I asked, everyone was teasing me, and I couldn't help it turning red

"Not long now Chihiro!" said Zeniba

"She can't wait to see Green beans again!" teased Sakura

"Could everyone stop teasing me!" I said turning red

"Do you like him?" asked Hina

Everyone went silent, waiting for my response. I wasn't going to say anything, I'm not sure if I like Haku or not.

"Hey everyone, if she does like Haku. Let him hear it first" sighed Zeniba

"But say if I do like him, what if doesn't he like me back?" I asked

"Hello? Are you seriously asking that question, of course he does!" exclaims Yua

"You haven't known him for that long though Yua" I said

"Fine, but during the time I have been there; I know he likes you" said Yua

"Chihiro, I have known Haku long enough to know what's on his mind without even asking. I can tell the signs coming from both of you ever since your first visit here" said Kamaji

"Aww" said everyone

I blushed redder than I had ever done before. "Zeniba, is the potion ready yet?" I asked

"it's done now!" said Zeniba

"Thank goodness" I said sighing

"She can't wait to see him!" teased Aoi

"And Lin" I added as Zeniba handed me a box with the potion in

"Fine, and Lin but mostly Green beans" said Sakura

"Right, that is signalling us to leave. Thank you, Granny!" I said turning to leave

"Chihiro, do you know what to do with the potion?" asked Zeniba

"No" I said

"Pour the liquid into the water sprinklers and turn the sprinklers on. It should wake everyone up no problem" said Zeniba

"Thank you, Granny!" I said "Come on you mischievous lot"

"Chihiro, could you tell Haku and Lin I'm sorry?" asked No Face

"Why don't you come and tell them yourselves?" I asked

"What if they get mad at me?" asked No Face

"I have learnt from experience that when you think someone is mad at you, it turns out that they are not actually mad and you over reacted" I said comforting No Face "And if they do get angry, I'm here to calm them down"

"Thank you Chihiro" said No Face, smiling

"Come on zombies, we have people to save so move your slow butts along!" I called

"Who are you calling zombies Chihiro? You look like a mess" said Sakura

I looked into a mirror onto the wall. Sakura was right, my hair was like a birds nest, I didn't have my hairbrush with me so I couldn't make my hair neat again.

"It's fine" I said, opening the door

"You are not going anywhere missy" said Zeniba closing the door

"What are you doing?" I yelled "We need to go!"

"Not after we cleaned you up" said Aoi

The mischievous group strapped me to a chair and Zeniba magically combed my hair. Whenever I tried to struggle and escape, Kamaji held my legs and arms down.

"Should we change her clothes?" asked Hina

"No, they are fine" said Sakura

After what felt like an hour, I was freed from the chair. I was pushed in front of the mirror on the wall, my hair was combed through and neatly tied up in a ponytail with my magic hair tie. I didn't feel any different, but they felt as though I had a full makeover.

"Can we go now?" I begged, holding onto the door handle

"Yes!" said Zeniba "Good luck everyone!"

Finally, we walked out of the door. We made our journey back to the bathhouse; it would be long a tiring, but we still needed to save everyone before it was too late.

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