Old faces become new

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I could hear voices all around me. The wind whistled past my ears and made me shiver in the cold. Am I dead in heaven? Or still alive?

"Everybody stop crowding them, please move away!"

"Is that Lin? I hope she's okay"

"Who are the other girls? Wait a minute, is that Sen!"

"Sen is back!"

"She looks different!"

"Everybody please don't make me repeat myself, move away!"

"Master Haku seems annoyed, everybody move. Don't annoy him anymore"

Haku? He is here? I'm alive! But who saved me? Did Haku save me? What about Lin? And my sisters?

I sat up quickly from the darkness, coughing loudly. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me, among them was Haku. He looked so much older than seven years ago, he had longer hair tied in a ponytail, his fringe was the same as before. His eyes were emerald green with tiny sparkly specks in them. Wow, he has grown up alright!

"Are you okay Chihiro?" asked Haku looking straight at me

"I'm fine, what happened?" I asked, looking at Lin and my sisters lying beside me

"The wave took control of you, making you black out. Thank goodness me and Yubaba came back in time or else you and the others would have been goners" said Haku "We shrunk the wave to a puddle with our powers"

"Thank you for saving us" I said weakly

"You are welcome Chihiro" said Haku smiling down at me

"Chihiro, Lin, Sakura, Aoi! I am so glad that you are okay, when I heard that you were inside with the strong waves I was so concerned" said Kamaji coming over and hugged me

"We are all okay Kamaji" I laughed "Thank you for caring about us!"

"Anything for my friends" said Kamaji smiling


I turned to look at my sisters, they started to awaken. Thank goodness!

"Sakura, Aoi I'm right here!" I called

As their eyes opened, I could tell they were happy to see me. Lin awakened shortly afterwards, she gave one look at Haku and looked as though she was going to kill him. She stood up from the floor, helping my sisters afterwards as well. She did offer me help but I stood up by myself.

"Please forgive me if I sound rude, but who are they?" asked Haku, looking at my sisters "Are they your daughters?"

"Why is everybody asking me that?!" I exclaimed, covering my face with my hands

"Sorry" apologised Haku

"Its fine Haku" I said smiling at him "They are my sisters, Aoi and Sakura"

"Hello Sakura and Aoi. It's a pleasure to meet you" greeted Haku, smiling at them

"Who's that Chihiro? Why are there two of him?" asked Aoi looking at Haku strangely

"Aoi! There is only one of him, you are just dizzy" I said laughing

"Is that the dragon boy in the story?" asked Sakura teasingly

I blushed as red as a tomato. Why did she have to mention that now?! I really hope he didn't notice

"Dragon boy?" asked Haku, looking confused

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