Trouble can become double

18 1 0

I woke up to screams. My first instinct was I'm still at the children's home. But when I open my eyes I am in Lin's room. I smiled happily as I got out of bed, it wasn't a dream!

I looked around the room to see my sisters. Their beds were empty, I guess they got up earlier to explore the bathhouse. As I walked out of the room, I was caught up in a crowd of staff members running down the corridor with panicked looks on their faces.

The crowd dragged me outside onto the bridge, where I was met with a panicked Lin and Kamaji. Once they saw me, Lin ran over and practically breathed a sigh of relief.

"Chihiro, thank goodness you are okay!" cried Lin pulling me into a hug

"What's happening?" I asked, looking around confused

"Someone broke the lever which emits water into the baths and now the bathhouse is filling up with water!" exclaimed Lin

"What?!" I exclaimed

"Um, Chihiro. Where are your sisters?" asked Lin, looking around for Sakura and Aoi

"What? I thought they were with you; they were not in their beds when I woke up!" I cried

"What if they are still in the bathhouse?" exclaimed Lin "We have to go back in!"

Me and Lin pushed through the crowds to get to the front, I was determined to get to my sisters before it was too late!

"Sorry Ladies but you are not allowed to go back in" said Frog standing in front of us

"Now is not the time Frog, please move!" exclaimed Lin, trying to push past

"Master Haku left me in charge and I say nobody is allowed back into the bathhouse!" yelled Frog

"I think that power has gotten to your head, there might be still people in there!" yelled Lin "Please move Frog!"

"Everyone on the list are here, unless you are hiding someone Lin" said Frog "Who is she?"

Frog glared at me with his chocolate, brown eyes. I didn't have time for this, I need to go and save my sisters!

"I'm Chihiro, now please move Frog!" I begged

"Chihiro? Sen? Wow, you have grown into a very mature young lady!" exclaimed Frog, grinning at me

"Frog if you do not move this very second, I will report you to Haku!" yelled Lin

"You wouldn't dare!" said Frog, looking at Lin angrily

"Hey Frog, stop being stuck up and let them through!" yelled Kamaji, walking over to join the conversation

"Hey Kamaji, stay out of this!" said Frog, taking his eyes off me and Lin to look at Kamaji

This gave us an opportunity to quickly sneak back into the bathhouse, as we entered the bathhouse the water was already up to my stomach. It was quickly rising; we didn't know how long we have until it would be taller than our heads.

"Let's check the room first!" I suggested, pointing towards the stairs which lead to the second floor

Lin nodded and we made our way to the stairs. The water was as cold as ice against my legs, I wanted to desperately get out of the water. The stairs seemed far away, and we were trying to move as fast as we could but unfortunately the water was slowing us down.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, we arrived at the foot of the stairs. The cold, misty water only occupied half of the stairs which was somewhat easy to climb up. I grabbed hold of the banister and pulled myself up the stairs, I was getting more exercise climbing these stairs than I ever did in Physical education!

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