Peace and quiet

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. I guess that I had to get out of bed, but it was so warm and cosy.

"Chihiro if you are not out in five seconds, I'm coming in and dragging you out myself!" yelled Hina

"I'm coming!" I grumbled, getting out of bed

After getting dressed, brushing my hair and tying it up with my hair tie from Granny; I walked out of my room. Hina and Yua were leaning against the wall, waiting for me to come. I didn't have adults checking my every move anymore, I guess they must have thought I forgotten about the spirit world.

"Hey sleepyhead" said Yua "Took you long enough to get out of bed"

"Did you have the spirit world dream again?" whispered Hina as we walked downstairs

"Yes, it was the same as last night" I replied sighing

"We know you miss them, maybe you will see them soon again" said Yua

"I hope so Yua" I said

When we arrived in the kitchen, I spotted my sisters already sitting at the table. I'm usually up before them but I guess today that has changed.

"Hey Chihiro" said Sakura, as she took a bite of her toast

"Hey sis, did you have a nice sleep?" I asked

"No, I had a nightmare" sighed Sakura

"Is it about the spirit world?" I whispered

Sakura nodded. "It was really scary; everyone was hurt badly by a monster"

"It's just a dream Sakura, I'm sure it isn't real" I said

"It felt real!" said Sakura

"Aoi, are you okay? You're very quiet" I said

"She misses the spirit world" whispered Sakura "She won't speak at all"

I felt the same way as Aoi, I too missed the spirit world, Seeing my friends and working with my sisters and Lin. Maybe we should plan a visit soon, it might make us happier again.

"Chihiro, Hina and Yua hurry up and eat your breakfast. School is about to start" said one of the care workers

"Yes Miss" said the three of us

"When did this hill become longer?" moaned Hina as we trekked up the hill

"It never did, we are just more tired" I said, turning red

"Hey that reminds me, Haku's nickname for you. Tomato!" said Yua

I smiled at the word tomato. I appreciate the effort my best friends are making to help me be happy, but sometimes all I want to do is cry.

Finally, we made it to the top of the hill, we were out of breath and tired. I looked up and saw a figure which I recognised. I walked towards the figure, intrigued to find out who the person was, just as I got closer to them my sisters appeared behind us.

"Chihiro!" yelled Sakura

"What are you too doing here?" I asked "Your school doesn't start till later"

"You forgot your school bag, silly!" said Aoi, handing me my bag

"Thanks, you two" I said smiling

"Kamaji?!" exclaimed Sakura pointing to the figure in front of us

"What?" I yelled, dropping my bag on the floor

"Chihiro, Aoi ,Sakura! Thank goodness I found you" gasped Kamaji

"What are you doing here?" I asked, hugging him

"Something terrible has happened" said Kamaji

My heart stopped. "What happened?" I asked

Hina and Yua came over and listened to Kamaji's words carefully.

"No Face came to the bathhouse very angry. He was looking for Haku; Haku and Lin walked towards No Face and he yelled that Lin and Haku betrayed you. He threw Lin across the floor making her hit the wall, she was unconscious. This angered Haku and he tried to hold No face down, the fight became very violent and both men were seriously injured. No Face let off a powerful blast and knocked everyone out, he must have thought everyone was dead as he left. A few minutes later I woke up and found out I was the only one awake. That's when I knew I had to find you; we need your help!" said Kamaji

"Oh my gosh" I said, tears fell from my eyes "Are they okay?"

"I don't know if they are alive or dead" sighed Kamaji "That's why I need your help to go and see Zeniba, hopefully she can help wake everyone up"

"What about school Chihiro?" asked Aoi

"Forget school, I need to save my friends. Are you coming or not?" I said, holding my hand out for them

"Let's go and save them" said Aoi as the four of them took my hands

"Lead the way Kamaji" I said

The journey to the tunnel was quick and easy. We all somehow fitted on Kamaji's back, he didn't mind us talking loudly and coming up with a plan, once we made it to the tunnel entrance, I jumped off Kamaji and walked the rest of the journey.

The bathhouse was quiet, it was as if nobody had been there in years. I saw a puddle of water on the bridge, who's tears are these? When we stepped inside the bathhouse, we saw everyone laying on the floor.

I saw Haku laying in a pool of blood. I ran up to him sobbing loudly, I couldn't bear to see him like this especially after last time.

"Haku!? Please tell me you and Lin are okay"

Haku laid lifelessly in my arms. My tears fell and hit his face with a drop, Don't worry Haku I'm going to save everybody, just hang in there for me. Please promise me!

"Chihiro, I found Lin!" exclaimed Sakura, trying to drag her body over to me

"Be careful with her Sakura" I sobbed

"I'll help you Sakura" said Hina, picking up Lin's legs

Sakura and Hina placed Lin next to Haku. At least they won't be suffering alone, they are together. I looked around the place more, in Yubaba's office I found Yubaba and Boh's lifeless bodies. I traced my hand against Boh's face, poor Boh.

"So where does this Zeniba live?" asked Yua when we all met up back again

"Swamp bottom, we have to take a train to get to her" said Kamaji

"Kamaji do you have any train tickets?" I asked

Kamaji sadly shook his head "I don't have any more tickets, you used them last time"

"Do we have any money to buy tickets?" asked Yua

Me, my sisters and my best friends emptied our pockets onto the floor. There were lots of buttons but not money, we all looked at Kamaji. He emptied his pocket and out came money! Kamaji smiled happily, he had enough for all of our train tickets.

"Off the Swam bottom everyone!" said Kamaji adjusting his glasses

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