The surprise

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As we walked downstairs to the baths, I spotted people who were not spirits. I looked at them with more curiosity, that's when I realised, we were in danger.

"Sakura, Aoi let's go!" I said, grabbing Aoi and Sakura's arms and turning around

"What's wrong girl?" asked Lin, looking at me suspiciously

"The police are there!" I exclaimed, trying to hide

"If they try anything, they will have to deal with me!" said Lin crossly

"They will think you stole me or something!" I said

"Why did it take two days for them to find us? Are they thick or something!" said Sakura

"Shush Sakura, they might hear us!" I hissed, covering Sakura's mouth.

"How dare they!"

Lin looked at me with a confused look. I could feel the anger building up inside of me, I knew what the police was planning. They followed us into the spirit world but soon returned because they knew we wouldn't leave without a fight. They brought my care workers to the spirit world as a last resort, they thought that if I saw them, I would come out and it would be easy to convince me to go back.

"What's wrong Chihiro?" asked Lin looking at me

"They have brought my care workers here" I said angrily "Of course they had to be involved, they are our care workers, but they brought the mean ones! I would never go with them"

I looked up at the ceiling, I was trying to control my anger. I saw Haku standing upstairs with his clipboard, he wasn't looking at the workers, instead his eyes were directed at the police officers. That's when I knew I needed Haku's help, there was no way I am being threatened by the police.

"Nigihayami kohaku nushi, get down here!" I yelled loudly

Haku's eyes went from the police officers to me as I waved frantically at him. I gave him a look which I think he understood because he nodded and came down the stairs.

"You do know Haku is fine right?" teased Haku, when he arrived

"Now is not the time Haku, the police are here, and they are threatening us with our care workers!" I said

"What?" said Haku, he turned serious "Where are they?"

"Near the door, I want you to distract them. Tell them you're the manager of this place" I said

"Hey, I am the manager!" said Haku, crossing his arms

"Co-manager. Don't tell Yubaba you said that, she will be mad" said Lin, chuckling

"Alright! thank you Lin" said Haku "I will distract them the best I can "

"Kohaku the powerful river spirit, now only used as a distraction!" teased Lin

"Be quiet Lin!" said Haku sticking his tongue at her

"Anything Master Haku!" teased Lin

"Weasel!" said Haku, messing up Lin's hair

"Hey, that took me hours to do!" said Lin, hitting Haku

"It's not my fault it wasn't going to last!" said Haku

"As much as I am liking you two fight, it is not the time to mess about!" I said

Haku and Lin both fell silent but secretly still teased each other. Lin hit Haku every 5 seconds and Haku messed up Lin's hair even more.

Blast from the past- A Spirited Away Fanfiction ✔Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt