The train ride of boredom

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As a group we stood at the train station, waiting hopefully of the train to arrive. We had been waiting for ten minutes and the train hasn't arrived yet, we were about to lose hope when Aoi started screaming her head off.

"Chihiro!!" screamed Aoi

"What Aoi?" I said, jumping at how loud she screamed

"The train!" yelled Sakura pointing

We all looked in the direction that Sakura was pointing to, sure enough there was the train. We all cheered loudly, hugging each other like we won an award or something.

"How many tickets?" asked the ticket man

"Six please" said Kamaji

"Enjoy your journey" said the ticket man, printing our tickets

We all sat down on the free seats available and sighed a huge sigh of relief. Let's save everyone shall we?

"How long is this train journey?" moaned Sakura, sinking in her seat

"I'm not sure" I replied "It's been a long time since I have travelled this journey"

"Aww, I'm so bored Chihiro!" groaned Aoi

"Why don't we play eye spy?" suggested Kamaji

The game of eye spy didn't last long, it got boring and everyone was tired of it. For the rest of the journey we sat in silence, eventually everyone except me fell asleep. I was also tired but decided that I should be the responsible one that will be awake.

I could feel my eyelids becoming heavy, I quickly shook my head to stop myself falling asleep. "Don't fall asleep Chihiro, everyone is counting on you!" I said to myself

"Are you okay dear?" asked a friendly voice

I looked up and saw an old lady sitting in front of me smiling. She was wearing a yellow raincoat even though it wasn't raining, she had a flowery handbag and green wellies.

"I'm okay ma'am" I replied

"I can tell that you are tired" smiled the old lady "Would you like some coffee?"

The lady held out a silver flask to me, I was reluctant to take it. My parents always told me not to talk to strangers and definitely not take anything they were offering me. But I was very tired and was about to fall asleep any minute now, I gratefully took the flask and drank a huge amount of coffee. I felt as though I was reborn, I could feel the coffee running through my veins.

"Thank you so much!" I said, holding the flask out to the lady

"You can keep it" said the old lady "I don't have a need for it"

"Thank you" I said, taking another sip of the coffee

"The next station is Swamp Bottom" announced the voice over

I shook awake my sleepy friends who all groaned. I would have to drag them off this train I have to, they were not stopping us from saving the people at the bathhouse.

"Come on everyone!" I said, pulling Kamaji's arm

I poured coffee into everyone's mouths, hopefully they will be energised to walk on their own. Thankfully they stood up before the train stopped at Swamp Bottom, as the train drove away, I waved goodbye to the kind lady.

"Where is Zeniba's house?" asked Aoi sleepily

"Through the forest" I said, "Come on guys, you can sleep after we save everyone at the bathhouse!"

As we walked through the forest, I felt as though I was surrounded by zombies. All they did was groan and moan with every step, hopefully Zeniba has a spell which can stop them being tired because I wasn't going to be able to put up with them being tired..

Blast from the past- A Spirited Away Fanfiction ✔जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें