Sadness flooded all around

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I woke up to voices yelling, was Lin teasing Haku again? Or was my sisters and her friends mucking about too much and annoyed Haku? I was moving even though I am asleep, what is going on?
"Chihiro!" screamed a voice

My eyes flew open, I was in the arms of a police officer. We were found!

"What's happening?" I screamed, struggling

"We are taking you back to the children's home" said the police officer

I turned to see behind me, I saw Haku, Kamaji and Lin struggling to get past the police officers guarding the front doors. They were yelling something at us, but I couldn't hear them properly.

"Chihiro, Aoi, Sakura!" screamed Lin

"You can't forcefully take them!" yelled Haku "They could have had a choice!"

"Mind your own business young man!" said the police officers

Aika, Chiharu, Hina and Yua were being ushered along by the blonde and red haired police officers. They were grinning happily; their plan had worked. But I don't know what it was.

"How dare you put trackers on their friends, you played dirty!" yelled Kamaji

"Lin, Haku Kamaji!" I screamed

We were close to the tunnel; how could they do this to us? I never got to say goodbye to them, my family! At the end of the tunnel, our care workers were waiting for us. Me and my sister's were grounded for two months, we couldn't leave the house without an adult with us. An adult stands outside our doors making sure we don't try to leave. This is the worst thing ever!

A few months later....

I laid down on my bed and sighed. That whole adventure was four months ago, it felt as thought it was yesterday. I wonder what they are doing now? Lin's probably working or teasing Haku, I'll miss seeing them fight and tease each other, it always made my day. Kamaji was probably working in the boiler with the soot sprites heating the baths for the customers, I wish I could see them.


Haku woke up and found himself on his desk. He was working through paperwork late last night and had exhausted himself to sleep. Ever since Chihiro and her sisters left he, Lin and Kamaji haven't had a wink of sleep, they missed them terribly. They didn't even have a chance to say a proper goodbye, the police just came in while they were sleeping and took them.

There was a knock at Haku's office door. Haku mumbled something and the person came in, it was Lin. She seemed worried about Haku's condition and came to check up on him.

"Hey Dragon Boy, did you get any sleep last night?" asked Lin, pouring Haku some hot tea in teacup

"I stayed up late doing paperwork. I don't have time for sleep when Yubaba is like this" sighed Haku, taking a sip of his tea

"Hey, don't let her work you too much. Why don't you go to sleep now?" asked Lin

"Lin, I can't. She will kill me" said Haku

"I won't let her Haku. She shouldn't be the only one who deserves a full nights sleep" said Lin "Don't make me treat you like a baby"

Haku laughed when Lin said that. She always made him happier, that's why she was one of his closest friends.

"Nigihayami Kohaku Nushi!" yelled an angry voice from downstairs

Haku stood up from his chair. Not everybody called him by his first name, Who was it?

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