Working at the bathhouse

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"It's about time you three arrived! Haku assigned us to clean the big tub, personally I think it is revenge for me hitting him" said Lin, leaning on a big broom

"What? Seriously the big tub!" I exclaimed

"What's the big tub?" asked Aoi

"It is all included in the name" said Sakura "It's a tub that's big"

"Oh, but why is it called the big tub? Aren't all the tubs the same size?" asked Aoi

"No, the big tub is reserved for our dirtiest customers" said Lin

"Great, thanks a lot Haku" cried Aoi "We are going to be really smelly after this!"

"Shh!" giggled Lin "Haku is above us, watching over the workers. He can hear us you know!"

Sakura and Aoi looked up and sure enough there stood Haku with a clipboard. He was focusing on different workers and making sure they were working right.

Sakura stuck her tongue at Haku quickly before she took a broom off Lin. I chuckled a little bit too loudly as Haku turned to look at us, I quickly turned away and pretended I was working.

"Erm, Chihiro? Are you okay" asked Aoi noticing I was sweeping absolutely nothing

"I'm working Aoi" I hissed, trying not to look at Haku

"Chihiro, we are not at the big tub yet! Why are you sweeping on the floor?" laughed Lin

"Haku is watching us" I whispered "We should be working"

"She's trying to stay in Haku's good books" teased Aoi

"Come on Chihiro, save the sweeping for the big tub!" said Lin, dragging me towards the room where the big tub is

The big tub looked as though someone purposely made a mess everywhere. The four of us stood there hesitantly, nobody wanted to step into the room.

I looked up and Haku was staring at us. He looked confused at why we were not working, I tried not to stare for long enough, but he caught me!

"Why are you girls not working?" teased Haku, grinning down at us

"Why did you assign us the hardest job?" retorted Lin "It's not very nice to have revenge be involved with work"

"Who said anything about revenge?" teased Haku, brushing a piece of his hair behind his ear

"One of these days I'm going to kill that boy" hissed Lin, stepping into the big tub room

The dirt felt gooey against my feet, a whole feeling of grimace shook my body. I should have put some shoes on! Maybe even sandals! Thing was, I had no idea if it was dirt or something else. Could dirt be green, long a chunky. I guess I'm just going to call it seaweed.

"Ew!" exclaimed Aoi as the 'seaweed' touched her legs

"Come on Aoi, it just seaweed!" said Sakura laughing, "It can't hurt you"

Aoi threw a whole chunk of green 'seaweed' at Sakura making her scream louder than a fire alarm. The workers came over to us, they must have heard Sakura scream and stopped whatever job they were doing to check out what was happening.

"Hey, no playing on the job!" I said, "Don't throw that around, you don't know what it is!"

"Chihiro, you need to be loose! You sound like mum" laughed Sakura, throwing 'seaweed' at Aoi

"Wow, your sisters are great fun!" laughed Lin, stopping her sweeping to watch

"Haku won't be happy about this" I said, "What a mess you two are making!"

"Why do you care what Haku thinks? Unless you like him or something" teased Lin, looking at me

I blushed red, is it obvious? I don't like Haku like that!

"I just don't want to be fired on the first day!" I said

"Haku won't fire you three!" said Lin throwing a chunk of 'seaweed' at me "Loosen up Chihiro!"

I stood there covered in god knows that whatever this green stuff is. The workers were still staring at us and laughing, that's when I hoped that Haku wasn't pay attention to us.

"Fine, you want me to loosen up?" I said picking up a chunk of 'seaweed' "How about this?"

I threw the chunk of 'seaweed' at Lin, but she quickly moved out of the way, soon I realised it hit someone else. Haku. He had come back from the top balcony to observe us and got in the way of the 'seaweed'

My hands flew to cover my mouth. Oh my god, I threw a green chunky thing at Haku! He's going to kill me!!

Lin, Sakura and Aoi at first didn't realise what happened, but when they saw my facial expressions and Haku covered in chunky 'seaweed' they knew I accidentally threw it at. Sakura and Aoi burst out laughing at my mistake, I looked at Lin and she was trying to hold in her laugh, but I could see she was secretly smiling.

Haku didn't say anything, he took a piece of 'seaweed' off his shoulder, wrote something on his clipboard and turned to leave. The workers quickly moved out of his way and went back to their jobs, then Haku walked away.

"Lin, what do I do?" I exclaimed

"We should continue cleaning the big tub I suppose" said Lin

"No!" I yelled "About Haku, he's angry at me!"

Lin blinked at me "He's not angry at you!"

"If he wasn't angry then why did he not laugh?" I cried

"Chihiro, stop being upset about upsetting Haku" teased Lin "Get back to work!"

I sighed and started sweeping again. But I still thought about me upsetting Haku, I planned to make a sorry card for Haku to apologise for throwing the 'seaweed' at him.

Once we had finished cleaning the big tub, our shift had finished. We had an hour until our next shift, This is a perfect time to make the card! I thought. The four of us were sitting on the floor in our room chatting and having a snack.

"Chihiro? Are you okay" asked Aoi, clicking her fingers in front of my face

"Huh? I'm okay" I said

"She was dreaming about dragon boy" teased Sakura, grinning

"Chihiro stop worrying about you throwing that green thing at him! He's probably not affected by it at all" said Lin, eating out of a bowl

"But I feel bad!" I said

"Please don't tell me you are going to write an apology card!" said Sakura "You did that last time when you accidentally kicked that boy at school!"

"Sakura!" I exclaimed blushing red "I felt bad for accidentally kicking him!"

"You thought he was mad at you as well!" said Sakura "Turns out he wasn't! it will be the same this time"

"I'm still writing an apology card!" I said, "Where can I find paper?"

"Instead of wasting paper on a useless card, why don't you tell him instead?" said Lin

"What?!" I exclaimed, turning around to face Lin "What if he is so mad, he doesn't want to see me!"

"He is not mad at you Go and tell him your apology!" said Lin, " And when says he wasn't mad don't say I didn't tell you so"

I rolled my eyes before standing up and walked out the door. I was encouraging myself through my thoughts, "Tell Haku your apology" That's easy enough, right? You can do this! Go Chihiro!!

When I made it outside Haku's office, my encouraging thoughts became worrisome. They were not encouraging, they were scared and thinking about how Haku was mad at me.

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Moment of truth.

"Come in" said the voice inside

I opened the door and stepped in.

Blast from the past- A Spirited Away Fanfiction ✔Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat