[PROLOGUE] The Girl in the Woods

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It was much to my relief that another long day was over. However, this thought was corrupted by the thought that being my circumstances, it wasn't really over. I still had work to do. With my dear mother in the hospital, I've been having to sneak off school grounds at night without any of my classmates noticing, which was hard considering some were night owls, make my way past those agitating security bots, thank the lord I had a move memorized for the sake of that, and then finally, trudge through the woods without running into anything that could be potential death due to the suspicions I may raise taking the streets.
"Damn, life was so much easier on my own," I grumbled. The U.A. dorm procedure was just in the way getting my mom the help she needs. Why go through all of this? My mom worked her ass off to provide us with our now dormant apartment that I couldn't let it get sold to some cheap-ass slacker.
As I continued my usual route through some shrubs semi-close to the actual path, I just happened to notice that something felt different.. I felt at if I were being watched and I just couldn't shake the feeling. Had one of those fucking bots found me despite my efforts? No, they couldn't have! The bots would've waited for a teacher.
I decided to stop dead in my tracks and look around. Nothing. I would've kept walking but then I heard a sudden snap and then some frantic rustling. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck bristle as I slowly looked around me again and then I saw her. A pale, petite girl with blonde hair tied up in two messy buns, lovestruck blush, and yellow, psychotic eyes and a smile to match; which at the moment, her eyes and mouth had the smallest tinge of panic in them.
"Oi! And to think I was so close to getting a U.A. student to Mr. Shiggy," she whined "Now that you've seen me, what choice do I have but to run?" She then got up and just as quickly as she has came, she disappeared.
I don't know what was going through my mind but she was kind of cute.. Until I one day learn her name, which I'm now ever-so desperate to do, I'll call her The Girl in the Woods.

Psycho Soulmate (Himiko Toga x Reader) [READ DESC]Where stories live. Discover now