[5] See Her Again

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It's been 3 days and my house arrest was now over. Kirishima forgave me with no hesitation ("I was a little obnoxious," he admitted), and I grew a decent bond with Todoroki.
"You have a lot to catch up on," Mr. Aizawa said.
"Thanks, I didn't know," I replied, every word drenched in sarcasm. I've learned to control my temper but some things I couldn't make go away. Turns out I've given myself Insomnia, as stated by Recovery Girl. No surprise there.
Maybe now it would be easier to get where I wanted when I wanted however.
"Hey, (Y/L/N)! You know where Kaminari is? You're the last person I saw talking to him." I turned around to see Jiro. I hadn't talked to her much this year, now that I think about it, I've probably only talked to nine out of twenty of my classmates and got into a decent conversation. Pretty lame of me.
"He told me he was heading to the training room," I finally replied.
"Okay, thanks!" Jiro then ran off down the hall, earphone jacks gliding behind her.
Don't if I'm losing it or not but ever since Toga, I feel like most of my conversations with people have been one-question Q&As. Not that I care, but, seriously.
That night, I went out earlier. Being most people were awake around the time I left, I had to use the dull excuse 'late-night errands'; not exactly false.
I left early tonight because other than seeing and doing things for my mom, I wanted to see someone else:
My hopes were low after what happened the last time I saw her but I felt there was still hope.
Toga's POV
I've finally made my decision: Mr. Shiggy isn't my dad (he's my boss but not close enough) and that I was gonna go find Lover Boy; hopefully learn his name while I'm at it.
Tonight I had to leave a little late so that Mr. Shiggy wouldn't know I'm gone. Hopefully he'll wait for me. I shoved this thought aside, despair beating hope.
As I waded through the forest, I slowly started drifting towards the trail, where his normal route was. He doesn't know it but I've been watching him long enough to be 100 percent sure where he walked.
Once I arrived-
(Y/L/N)'s POV
After what felt like an hour past usual time, I saw Toga.
"H-hello Toga.."
"Call me Himiko," I felt my face broil and all I could do was stand there. "So, do I get a name in response, Lover Boy?" I immediately snapped out of my trance.
"(Y-Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" I slurred. Please tell me you heard.
"Alrighty then (Y/N/N)!" My face when from red to redder when I heard her say my nickname. "Well, that's really all I wanted," she said quietly. "I must go now." She then disappeared. Again.
I was a little disappointed she didn't stay longer but at the same time, I was glad I got to see her again.

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