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Rainkeeper was in love with his best friend. He knew that. Pear, as an intelligent dragon, knew that, and had admitted to liking him back, so the world should be nothing but sunshine and daises, right?


Dead wrong. 

And potentially literally dead wrong, as Rainkeeper was seriously considering the pros and cons of murder. Not murdering a dragon, of course, he wasn't as big a fan of that as his father and sister were, but still. If it came down to never going out with Pear or killing a little, well, then Rainkeeper would have to ask Deathbringer about the easiest way to get blood off his talons.

You see, Rainkeeper had been trying for months, full on MONTHS, to go on a date with Pear. He wanted to go on a date with her. They still talked all the time, of course, and they hung out and were a little closer than they'd been in the past seeing as they did like each other, but they'd never gone on an actual date. They'd never done any of the things Rainkeeper knew actual couples did.

Although he knew he and Pear weren't technically a couple yet. They'd never been on a date! They were just two dragons who liked each other as more than friends, and Rainkeeper really wanted to do something about that. He wanted to go on a date with Pear. He wanted to go on hundreds of dates with her, and be her ridiculously embarrassing boyfriend. He wanted her to come over for dinner and force Joy to behave, even though he knew she wouldn't, and she'd spend the whole night teasing him about Pear, but Pear would only smile and think it was cute, that he was cute. He wanted to do all the mushy couple stuff with her, although he was very confused as to why other than it was because he liked Pear. Who knew liking a girl made you really want to split a piece of fruit with them or something stupid and simple.

But, of course, the first step to doing any of those things with Pear was to go on a date with her, which was the road block in all his plans.

It wasn't that he was afraid to ask Pear out, or that he didn't have any date ideas (his father was Deathbringer, come on, he had no less than sixty date ideas planned in his head already, and that was without asking Deathbringer for ideas). No, his problem with asking Pear out was one thing, and one thing only.


That. Stupid. Freaking. Sloth.

It had been years since Rainkeeper and Pear had met, and yet Pear's furry friend still hated his guts. He still got pelted with fruit, and sometimes sticks, most of the times the sloth saw him. Rainkeeper didn't used to take it personally, seeing as Tree-Bud attacked everybody but Pear (he'd even smashed a guava over Glory's head once. Tree-Bud had a death wish for sure), but then Rainkeeper figured it out.

For a sloth that didn't know the first thing about the dragon language, he sure understood when two dragons were talking about going on a date. Because every single time-EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.- in all the months that Rainkeeper had tried to ask Pear out, his words had been cut off by a fruit assault from the sloth. It didn't matter where they were, where Tree-Bud was, or how he worded it; the sloth just knew. 

Pear had even tried a couple times, but it didn't change anything. The second she said the word 'date', Rainkeeper was pelted with the fruits of the same name. It was annoying at first, then suspicious, and now it just plain pissed Rainkeeper off. It was like the sloth had deemed himself Pear's father, and he disapproved of Rainkeeper dating his daughter. 

And so Rainkeeper had started trying to find ways to disable Tree-Bud so that he could ask Pear out. The easiest way, of course, would be to just kill the stupid sloth, but he knew that no matter how many concussions and bruises the animal had given him, he couldn't kill Tree-Bud. Pear loved that sloth more than anything.She'd never forgive him, and Rainkeeper would never forgive himself. Joy had suggested staging a 'terrible accident' that would surely result in sloth death, but Rainkeeper had thrown that option out the window. He needed a method that would keep Tree- Bud alive, unfortunately.

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