my guys💀✨/chapter 19🤓

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shèy🩸🗡: me and kenny broke up🥺

brybry💊👎🏾: what???

taytay💙🤟🏾: why???

shèy🩸🗡: he said he wanted to break up he didn't text me why tho🤷🏾😔

taytay💙🤟🏾: ima ask him why.


taymor💉: why you break up with shèyaa?

dentrell🤮: we didn't break up just taking a break.

taymor💉: same thing bro!!

dentrell🤮: no it's not

taymor💉: omg anyways, y'all have a child together and all of sudden you want to break up or take a break or whatever just tell me why desean.

dentrell🤮: don't call me by middle name.

dentrell🤮: and ik we have a child together... but this ain't your business i love u taymor but please stay out of this🙏🏾

taymor💉: i love you too trell, but please talk to shèy about this he's sad and mad confused.

dentrell🤮: okay i will. ima text him


brybry💊👎🏾: ima beat kentrell ass😡

taytay💙🤟🏾: you not finna beat nun.

brybry💊👎🏾: yeah whatever, what he say.

taytay💙🤟🏾: oh um shèy he said he finna text you

shèy🩸🗡: okay.

i'm sad as shit also confused. why did he want to break up with me? like i just had our son and now he decides to break up with me?🤦🏾 i get a text from trell.

kenny😕💕: hey shèy can we talk?

shèybaby🥺💚: yeah wsp?

kenny😕💕: where hassan?

shèybaby🥺💚: he sleep.

kenny😕💕: oh

shèybaby🥺💚: why did you break up with me?

kenny😕💕: because.

shèybaby🥺💚: trell because is not an answer! you broke up with two weeks after i had our son so tell me what's wrong please.

kenny😕💕: i did it because i'm in love with you like deeply in love with you. i never felt what it was to be in love so when i felt it with you i got scared i didn't want to hurt you or hassan so i decided to break up or take a break with you. i'm sorry shèy.

shèybaby🥺💚: trell why didn't you talk to me? like deadass you have me over here feeling sad and shit.

kenny😕💕: i know i'm sorry bae

shèybaby🥺💚: it's okay, but can you come home? please we miss you also your mom just dropped off the boys.

kenny😕💕: bet i'm on my way.

shèybaby🥺💚: where you at tho?🤔

kenny😕💕: huh??

shèybaby🥺💚: bitch we texting so you can't huh.

kenny😕💕: watch that b word.

shèybaby🥺💚: naw bitch tell me where you at!

kenny😕💕: I'm hitting a lick rn with ben

shèybaby🥺💚: yeah ight

kenny😕💕: i'm being deadass bae

shèybaby🥺💚: ik just be careful. and come home once you done.

kenny😕💕: okay mamas i love you.

shèybaby🥺💚: i love you too.

nobody's pov🤮

"baba where dada?" kamiri asked shèyaa confused on where his dad is at. "he's with uncle ben he on his way okay pooh?" "otay!" kamiri said while laughing.

"baba can we meet our new brudda?" draco said while running up to shèyaa. shèy looked down at kayden smiling, "yeah come on , but y'all gotta be quiet he's sleep." shèy said to the 4 boys who was excited to see their new baby brother.

they walked into the baby's room.
"baba him still sleep?" kamiri asked him.
"yeah pooh he still sleep." shèyaa said answering miri question.

"what's his name?" taytay asked while yawning.
"hassan" "i like him name baba" kamiri said

shèyaa looked at all the boys taylin was rubbing his eyes, kamiri was sucking his thumb, kamron had his head on kayden shoulder, and kayden was sitting on the floor with kam on his shoulder.

"y'all tired?" he asked the four boys which caused them to nod their head. "ard come on let's get you guys to bed."

he walked the four boys to their rooms. tucking them in , when he walked out of their room he seen kentrell coming upstairs.

"hey trell."
"hey shèyaa."
they both looked at each other before shèy ran up to him giving him a hug and kissing him.

"i missed you so much kentrell." shèyaa said. "i missed you too shèyaa, and i'm sorry" kentrell said to the smaller male who was wrapped around him.

"it's okay i get it you were scared, but next time talk to me so we can talk it out." " i promise you i will now let's go to bed" shèyaa noded his head in agreement before they both walked to their bedroom.

they both laid down,, shèyaa in kentrell's arms.

"goodnight trell"
"goodnight shèyaa"

they are going to be okay❤️

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