Stepping Stones

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Iroh found himself quite pleased with the way Zuko's studies were progressing, yet also realized how frustrated his nephew was at not learning anything beyond Firebending basics. With the teachers for the new esteemed prince in place, he could focus on the next stage of the Firebending training, even though in Zuko's eyes the lessons he would hopefully receive wouldn't likely lead to progress in Firebending.

Of course, he needed to decide he would take Zuko on as a student.

In some ways, he felt guilty. While Zuko was with his old friend – if he did indeed take Zuko on as a student, he would be away doing something he felt he needed to do. The fact he needed to do this was on his mind for some time – before he'd arrived back, yet the reasons for doing so ended up changing as he saw Zuko struggle with his lack of self-confidence. More importantly, he didn't want to fail in making Zuko blossom.

He approached the next step by requesting Zuko pack a bag for travel purposes.

Zuko's reaction when Iroh insisted he pack his bags wasn't unexpected. Thinking back, the only time Zuko was allowed to venture outside of the palace walls was for the yearly family trip to Ember Island. In the back of Iroh's mind, he wondered when he and Lu Ten last visited Ember Island with the family, yet quickly brushed away those thoughts, knowing full well his other reason for the next step.

From the look on Zuko's place, the idea of a trip to someplace other than Ember Island proved exciting, yet in the same regard, Zuko didn't like abandoning his studies, particularly when he was still bothered by the idea that his Firebending wasn't progressing. Zuko's frustrations – deep down Iroh felt bad for holding off for so long, letting all the pieces slowly fall into place as he wanted, yet on the other hand – "I want what is best for him."

Iroh watched his nephew carefully, noting how the boy didn't argue, except... "Does grandfather know?"

"Well, yes. He agreed to this."

That was the truth. Explaining why both he and the Fire Lord found this the best solution for Zuko's Firebending problem wouldn't be easy, at least not until the next step was underway. Iroh chuckled, realizing Azula if she were in Zuko's position would argue every step of the way – in fact, the solution for Zuko wouldn't benefit her in any way.

They walked up the long, dusty path to the place where Iroh's old friend lived. Zuko's eyes darted around the place, taking everything in, a small sigh every now and then indicating the boy honestly missed his studies – hopefully his new companions as well. Before they left, Iroh made sure Zuko say goodbye.

Akane filled him in regarding how awkward the situation was, with Zuko drawing lines in the ground with his toe, while Hideki struggled with the fact he'd been chosen as the young prince's companion, his shyness getting the better of him. Akira, on the other hand, took things with stride, reassuring Zuko that Iroh hadn't forgotten about his Firebending training, but to be more sure of himself, not to mention they'd want to hear all about his trip when he got back from wherever they were going.

Zuko's small hand now rested in Iroh's large, calloused hand, while the old man smiled, enjoying the warm sun which beat down on them, fueling their inner fires. "So, I need to let you know that this teacher – I'll be leaving you in his care for a while, if he'll have you."


Iroh felt Zuko's hand tighten in his own. "Well, there are a few things I need to take care of, but this will likely be the only time I'll be able to do these things, as I don't trust Ozai not to do something."

"Yeah, but..."

"This person is a good friend of mine who will teach you some important life skills, if you can of course convince him to take you on – and no, I'm not going to tell you how, because that is something you'll need to figure out on your own. If he teaches you, he'll teach you some skills which you can use to protect yourself."

To Lose or to Gain: Iroh's Child (AtlA Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now