Operator Intro

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(3rd POV)

Inside of an armory, there is a man, sitting down, reloading a rotary grenade launcher. There are USMC patches on his uniform along with a dog tag necklace around his neck. He stops what he's doing then looks up to the screen and says...

???: I am Devil Dog... And this... *Holds it up* Is my weapon. She weighs around 5 kilograms and fires six 40mm high explosive dual purpose rounds. She may not look intimidating, but this baby can blow a man in half. Hehehehe, I've done that so many times and it never gets old to see the enemy explode. Oooh... *Looks down then gasps* Oh my god... Who touched Ava... *Looks to the side* WHO TOUCH MY LAUNCHER?!?!?  

The scene changes to the mystery man looking at his other equipment, which is a Mk 48 Mod 0 LMG, a Desert Eagle 429 pistol, and his knife. The US Marine grabs his weapons, then he looks up to the sky before saying...

???: Some people think that they can outflank me... *Nods slowly* Maybe... *Sniffle* Maybe... *Looks at screen* I've yet to meet someone to outflank grenade. *Holds a 40 mike-mike round* Hehehehe~.

Suddenly, the scene changes again, where the Marine is kicking down the door and hip-firing his LMG. A White Mask member attempts to swing a bat at him, but the soldier grabs the hostile before pulling out his knife and stabbing it into his enemy's forehead. Bullets fly over the Marine's head, so he rolls into a room before equipping his grenade launcher. The soldier leans to the right then aims at three armed White Mask individuals. He pulls the trigger then a projectile launches out of the barrel and flies towards the targets. The scene transitions to the projectile flying in slow motion, where the enemies attempt to close the door and evade. However, the round impacts the middle man before exploding and shredding them apart, blood-splattered everywhere. The camera transitions back to the Marine, where he turns around and leaves the building. 

???: Heh... Luck wasn't on their side...

--Scene Ends--

Release the Devil Dog from Hell: Male OC x Rainbow Six SiegeWhere stories live. Discover now