Chapter 1

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(A/N: Your character is included in this story, IronBadass.)

(3rd POV)

Hereford, Herefordshire is located in the West Midlands of the United Kingdom; it's a very rural area where people use the land for agricultural purposes. However, the county is not only used for that reason alone. Further west in the county is the headquarters of the most elite counter-terrorism unit in the world, Team Rainbow. Inside of the HQ, operators strategize and train to encounter terrorist organizations, such as the newest worldwide threat, the White Mask. However, today is different because Team Rainbow is receiving a new member. Unfortunately, not everyone received word of the new operator. So, a tall Irish man, wearing tactical gear and a gas mask, is running around the establishment to spread of God! *Cough* *Cough* I mean, the new guy's soon-to-be arrival.  The man who is running around is Marcus "Iron" O'Byrne, a former Army Ranger Wing operative until he was captured, but then rescued by Team Rainbow. Anyway, he barges into Blackbeard's (AKA Craig's) room before yelling out...

Marcus: Dude! We're receiving a new guy!

Craig: *Almost spits out cereal* PFFFTTTT!!!! WHAT!?!?!? WHO?!?!??

Marcus: Don't know his name, but Six announced that we're getting a new guy!

Craig: From what organization?!

Marcus: This is going to shock you...

Craig: Really now? Just tell me.

Marcus: He's from the US Marine Corps.

Craig: W-W-What? T-T-That's... New...

Marcus: I know right??! It's cool!

Craig: *Sighs* I hope he's not a total dick... *Stands up* I'm going to get my shit together... *Gestures* Go and tell the others.

Marcus: Okay!

The Irishman exits the room then rushes to another room, this time, Bandit's personal quarters. As soon as he opens the door, the scent of strong weed hits Marcus' face, causing him to look away and cough. Bandit is sitting on the couch, smoking a blunt while messing around with his battery gadget. 

Marcus: Oh god! *Cough* Dominic! *Coughs* Open the fookin' windows!

Dominic (High AF): *Looks at him* Drugs...

Marcus: Yes... I can see that... *Opens a window* Ah! Fresh air! *Sighs* Now! I am here to inform you that a new guy is coming soon.

Dominic (High AF): Drugs...

Marcus: *Facepalm then shakes his head* For fuck sake... There's no point in telling you...

The gas mask man leaves the room before heading to his wife's room (AKA Zofia). He enters her room to see the Polish lady combing her hair.

Zofia: Oh hey, darling! Spreading the word?

Marcus: Yup... Just told Grace, Craig, Vigil, Marius, and Dominic... Well... Sort of...

Zofia: Was he smoking again?

Marcus: Yup... Strong-ass weed.

Zofia: *Stops* Aye aye aye... That guy needs help.

Marcus: That's an understatement.

Suddenly, the PA system sounds out...

Announcer: All operators, report to the cafeteria... All operators, report to the cafeteria... Thank you.

Zofia: Well... *Puts on beret* Let's go!

Marcus: 10-4!

The couple holds the hands of each other before heading to the cafeteria. They enter the area and all of the operators are sitting there patiently. Zofia and Marcus take their seat next to Ela and Taina. 

Release the Devil Dog from Hell: Male OC x Rainbow Six SiegeWhere stories live. Discover now