Chapter 8

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(Jonathan's POV)

As the sun starts to go down the horizon, we load up the tenth hog into the trunk of the big diesel SUV before putting more bait in the trap. Hopefully, our efforts will slow down the damage of the hogs. Besides all that, we hop back inside of the truck, then I start driving back to the house.

Me (Driving): Successful huntin', gals! Ten hogs in a day! 

Taina: Now I'm hungry.

Jill: I don't blame ya! I bet you're hungry for some grill hog or somethin'.

Taina: Yeah...

Cerberus: Bark! Bark!

Jill: You did good, Cerb! *Offers jerky piece* Here you go, Cerberus!

The Dobermann grabs the beef jerky with his mouth then chews on the treat. Suddenly, clouds cover the sky and it starts to rain, turning the dirt trail into thick mud. Luckily, this Ford Excursion is lifted and equipped with mud tires. The ride back on the trail is rough, but we managed to make it back to the farmhouse. I park the truck into the garage, shut it off, and we get out the truck then approach the trunk. Taina pulls the trunk doors open, revealing the dead boars in the rear.

Jill: I'll get the wagon. 

Me: Okay. *Gestures to Cerberus* Go with her.

Cerberus: Bark!

My little sister and the Dobermann walks to the backyard to grab a four-wheeled wagon, while I inspect the boars and the female defenders try to come up with a recipe for those pigs. I pull out the bullets from the carcasses before showing the ladies.

Me: Look at that! The bullets are still in good condition!

Ela: *Grabs it* Nice! *Looks at me* What's your rifle chambered in?

Me: .308 Winchester! A great round for hunting!

Suddenly, Jill enters the garage with the dog and a wagon handle in her hand, then she exclaims...

Jill: Nope! The .50 BMG is the superior hunting round!

Ela: Isn't that overkill?

Jill Nope! *Places wagon in front of me* Nothing is overkill! *Gestures* Okay, let's get these hogs into the meat fridge!

Me: *Nods* Right! *Looks at my girlfriends* C'mon, girls! Help us stack 'em on the wagon!

Ela: *Nods* Let's do it!

We grab the hogs from the trunk then slide them onto the wagon; the process only took a few minutes. Besides that, we travel to the back where the giant meat fridge is. Taina opens the heavy door to reveal an empty compartment. 

Me: I swear I had some deer in here... *Looks at Jill* What happened?

Jill: *Looks away and sweat* I had a small hangout with some friends... Cooked some deer on the grill.

Me: *Sighs* Goddamnit, Jill! You didn't invite me!

Jill: *Nervous smiles* I'm sorry!

Me: Mmmmm!!! *Sighs* Oh well... That means I can use the BFG-50A more.

Jill: Ah Hell Nah! That's my gun!

Me: Excuse me... Who purchased that eight-thousand dollar rifle?

Jill: Um... You?

Me: Exactly, sis! So you have grab your statement and yeet it over the fence!

Jill: *Pouts* I need to get myself a .50 BMG.

Release the Devil Dog from Hell: Male OC x Rainbow Six SiegeWhere stories live. Discover now