Chapter 4: Journey To Fornest Island

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The next day , they all met in the afternoon and started researching for resolving the mystery of the CD , they found that the place most famous for 'W' shaped trees was the Fornest Island , about 2,750 Km from New Delhi (where they lived) they decided to go there and do there further research. They all decided to go to their home , take the permission of their parents , pack their bags and meet at the airport after 1 hour. Since Rahul's father was the owner of a travel agency. So he arranged the tickets for all of them to Baku , the closest place to Fornest Island which had a airport. So they all went home and convinced thier parents by showing them the letter they got after watching the CD. They took their permission and went to the airport along with thier bags. All them reached the airport and took the flight to Baku. When they reached Baku , they had to travel 160 Km in order to reach Fornest Island. When they were around half way the tire of their taxi got punchered , they saw that there was a nail in the tire due to which the tire got punchered. The nail had a letter attached to it , "Do not try to resolve this issue" was written in it with a face of devil. This was the time of dawn where no body was around them. They looked around and saw that similar letters were pasted on the trees around them too which had the same thing written in several different languages , "Who must have did it and what did he mean by writing the same thing in other languages" said Anish , no one had its answer and while the driver was repairing the car Hritik saw some CDs lying near a letter. They were a bit scared on seeing those CDs and letters but managed to reach the Fornest Island. They stayed in a hotel that night and decided to start their research next day.

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