Chapter 6: The Dreadful Past

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They all went back to their hotel , at night when they all were thinking what to do next , Rahul said " Remember , Mr. Frank and the manager said that Gary was adopted by Richard and Mary." "Yes , but what you want to say Rahul ?" said Ankit , Hritik said "What I feel is that Rahul wants to say something about Gary's adoption" , "Exactly , what Mr. Frank told us was that Gary was adopted , which means that we must go to the orphanage from where Gary was adopted for enquiring." They all agreed and supported his decision and decided to go to the orphanage the next day. In the morning they went to the hotel manager and asked him if he knew from where Gary was adopted. He replied "I don't know, but there are only three orphanages on this island and one of them was established recently around 6 months ago , so it's quite clear that he must have been adopted either from Anney Orphanage or from LNO Child Orphanage" "Let's go to Anney Orphanage first" said Ankit. They all went there and got to know that Gary was not adopted from there. So they all went to LNO orphanage. When they reached there , they went to the orphanage's office where a lady named Helen was sitting who was the manager of that orphanage , they met and told Helen about their problem and Hritik requested her "Ma'am could you please tell us about Gary", She said "Yes... Gary was left here by a stranger who said that he found him lying on the road , all children cried in the orphanage except him , Gary hated uncleanliness , he could not even bear a little bit of dirt on his clothes which was the reason why he never played outdoor games and he was also a bit aggressive and on some specific days he behaved abnormally like used to have a very high temperature around 45°c. I don't know anything more because I was on a leave for 1 month where in between Gary was adopted , and yes one thing more that , few days after Gary's adoption Mr. John Deere who was the manager at that time started behaving abnormally , like a pscyopath so he was sent to the Sumenick Mental Hospital. Some people also say that he saw an evil spirit in Gary since he was once a father." "Ohky , thank you so much ma'am" said Rahul. They all went to their hotel and started their discussion about that day's meeting with Ms. Helen , Hritik asked" It's strange why Mr. Deere gone mad after a few days of Gary's adoption ?" "The bigger question is that why Gary's temperature used to go so high ?" said Anish , Rahul further said " The biggest question is that why on only certain days ?". Ankit said "We could get the answers of these question only from one person." "Who" they asked , Ankit replied "John Deere". "Yes he is absolutely right" said Hritik , Rahul said " Fine then , we will go to the Sumenick Mental Hospital tomorrow". After having their lunch they went to the Sumenick Mental Hospital , on the reception desk Rahul said "We want to meet Mr. Deere" "May I know how are you related to John Deere" said the receptionist ,  Anish started saying "Actually..." when Hritik interrupted him and said "We are his nephews our parents have gone to see the museum they will be here soon" "Okay you can meet him , come with me" said the receptionist. She took them to the room where Mr. John was writing something. Rahul asked him "Sir we are in a big trouble , can you help us" , he did not reply anything just but nodded , "Sir do you know Gary ?" asked Anish , after hearing Gary's name he started shouting and panicking he started saying " Gary was .... Gary was....." in a dreadful voice , before he could say anything more the nurses came and asked all of them to move out , meanwhile Rahul tried to see what Mr. John was writing , he could just see that  "He would grow...." was written on it and then all of them were sent out. After coming outside Hritik said "Why he started panicking on hearing Gary's name ?" "Why was he writing , He would grow..... , On several papers ?" asked Rahul , Ankit said "We have to get the answers of these questions as soon as possible because we have only 18 days to go".

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