Chapter 10: The Final Battle

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"Today at 10:58 pm , our 22nd day would end and he would come to complete his work and our lives." said Rahul , "But sadly he wouldn't be able to complete his work" said Hritik , Ankit said in a manner of worry "But we have to do something to fail his plan , and what will we do ?" , Anish replied "Don't worry , what I think that since Mary left a hole in his grave , so we must go and fill that hole , so that the contact from atmosphere will again be finished , what say?". They all agreed with him and went to the graveyard , and started searching for a grave which had a hole in it. Rahul said "Guys see this is a grave with a hole in it , I..." Hritik interrupted him and said "I also got a grave with a hole , I think this is the original one" , Anish further said "I also got one" , " Did you all see that all graves have hole in them , it is done by him so that we get confused." said Ankit , "He's right , what I think we must fill all graves with mud" said Rahul , they all agreed and started filling all graves but by mistake left one grave and it was their bad luck that it was only the real one , but in reality they didn't know it so they all thought that now he won't come and returned to their hotel and were a bit relaxed when they started hearing strange sounds of wolf crying , door creaking and someone taking steps silently. "What is this ! I am hearing some strange sounds ?" said Anish in a panicking state , "I think we have left any grave , because these sound are that only about which Lorishi told us , let's go to the graveyard and burn that body , because Father Charles said that by killing Gary's body he would loose his powers , at least we will get some more time , let's run" said Rahul and then they all ran to the graveyard searched for the grave and started digging when they found that grave but unlucky it was 10:50 pm and he started coming , Anish saw him and said "See....see he is coming let's do it fast" , it had no doubt that they all were very scared. When they took out the body , Rahul said "Let's go to Lorishi he will only protect us , Run.... run guys!". They all started running with the maximum speed they could , when they reached to Lorishi Hritik said to him "" but till then the evil attacked Anish and was going to kill him but Ankit and Hritik attacked the evil but the evil was very powerful so he threw all of them away and jumped on Gary's body so that Rahul won't be able to burn it , He pushed Rahul but Rahul threw his body to Anish and this time the evil jumped on Anish to take the body but in time he threw it to Rahul but this time the evil with his sharp nails tried to make a deep cut on Anish's head but in time Rahul threw Gary's body in to the fire so the evil left Anish and started shouting and screaming but Rahul got an idea and said to all of them "What if we don't burn the body completely and just burn it till the time this evil looses his all powers and then Lorishi will again cast a spell on him , so he will be again captured in Gary's body and then we will burn his body so that along with him he will also burns , what do you say." They all agreed and waited till the evil lost all his powers , then Lorishi with the power of his Mantra captured the evil and then they burnt that body completely. Rahul said " Finally , we did it , now what I think let's go and immerse this ash in the sea" , Anish said " Yes you are right let's do it , because today I have come back after touching the gate of heaven" , then they all did what they thought they immersed the ash into the sea and returned to India happily , but they forgot that sea is a part of atmosphere and it reaches different parts of the world.

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