Chapter 8: The Search For Tantric

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The next day , after having their breakfast they all went to the church which was nearest to the Homero Mantion , when they reached there they met a nun , Affery. Rahul asked "Can you take us to Father Charles?" , She replied in a manner of suspicion "Who are you" , they told her the whole story and Hritik asked her "But why did you suspect us when we asked about Father Charles?" , She replied "Actually in past 8 years nobody came here in search of father Charles" , "But Why?" Ankit asked , she replied "People say that after assuring Mary that he would help her , he died the very next day of his promise and people also say that an Evil killed him , and after his death the church remain closed for around 3-4 years and after that a new staff was given the job , so nobody of us know much about this true or fictional story" they thanked her and went out. Hritik said " I think that we will get all our answers in one place , that is Mary's Diary , let's go their and bring it" Ankit supported him and said " Yes he's right , let's go". They all went to the Mantion , entered through the window and started searching for the diary , Hritik found the dairy and said " Here is the dairy , I got it" , while he was speaking Rahul found a picture of a strange boomerang , showing that picture to his friends he said "Hey guys see this , this picture has a strange boomerang and also has a caption , The Evil shall not live...." , Ankit said "Now what is the meaning of this " , interrupting him Hritik said " Let's go and talk in the hotel , it is better to get out of here before anyone comes". They all went back to their hotel and in their room Rahul said " I hope now we will have all our answers , Hritik please read it" , Hritik started reading " Dear Diary , Today Father Charles was going to tell me a way to kill the devil but when I went to the church to meet him I got to know that he didn't come that day so I went to his house and got to know that he has died , my school friend Sophie was sitting their and crying when I approached her to give her some sympathy she shouted at me because she knew everything and she thought that Gary has killed his uncle our very old friendship broke up , I could not believe that I was very very upset but , I didn't have any choice and the time was very less so I approached my neighbors and other fathers for help but they all refused and asked me to consult a Tantric , who can control spirits. So tomorrow I will go to consult a tantric whom Robert knows , Mary. And the next page is missing someone has torn them." , "Oh God ! now we have to search for all tantrics on the island , there must be at least 100 tantrics on this island , how will we find each" said Ankit frustratedly , "No , what I think is that we don't have to do so much , I think that this symbol of strange boomerang must be the symbol of the tantric as it is written here , The Evil May not live ..... , This must be for the evil in Gary" said Rahul , "I think he's right" said Anish. The next day they took out the list of all the tantrics present on that island and found that only one tantric had the same symbol of the strange kind of boomerang and his name was Lorishi. " This is the one we were looking for , let's go to him" said Anish excitedly , they all went to the given address and rang the bell. A young man opened the door and Rahul asked him " Can we meet Mr. Lorishi , the great Tantric." , He replied "I am sorry , you all are a bit late , around 2 years back he sold his house to me" , "Oh ! So could you give us his current address?" asked Hritik , the man replied "Actually when I asked him to tell me his address he told me that he never tells anyone his address but gave it to me in a form of riddle and it was ,
I live in the water but above the ground near my work safe and sound..." ,"Ohky thank you sir" said Rahul. They all returned back to their hotel , sitting in their room thinking about the riddle Anish said expressing his anger "Wasn't the riddle of that CD enough , that this riddle also came on our head" , " How could be a person in the water and above the ground at the same time , it is not at all possible" said Ankit , " It is so confusing but can be solved we all must think about it with cool mind" said Hritik. Few days passed but they didn't got the answer , one day they all were sitting and watching the film Titanic and suddenly Rahul jumped with joy and said " Oh my God ! I can't believe it " , "What happened" Hritik asked Rahul , he replied " I got the answer of that riddle" , "What's that" all of them asked "A ship , it sails in the water and people in it are above the ground" he replied and sounded extremely happy , "And yes the work of Tantric , to call spirits and spirits are found in graveyard means near graveyard that is the Domune Port , Wowww!!" Said Hritik , Ankit started shouting with joy "Hurray! , Wowww !!we got the answer yuppy!!" , "So why to waste time let's go their and meet him because we have only 3 days to go" said Anish.

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