Chapter 7: The Hidden Diary

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The next day after having their breakfast they all started thinking about Gary and Mr. Deere and about John's odd behaviour on hearing Gary's name. Hritik frustratedly said " Why...Why was he so scared on hearing Gary's name , why was he writing he would grow...... Several times and why Gary used to behave abnormally on certain days , how can we get the answers to these questions ?". Anish said "Calm down man! We won't get the answers of these questions just by sitting here , we have to do something , something that we have not done yet , go to a place or meet a person who knows Gary and his family more than the people whom we have met till now". "But where ? , We have gone to every single place , met every person related to Gary or Homeros but still we don't have our answers." said Ankit , "Wait , We have not gone to the most important place yet" said Rahul "Where" they all asked "The Homero Mantion" he replied and further said "Their home , the place where Gary lived , the place where Richard and Mary lived , the place which have all the answers to our questions". "But it is locked and it's key is with Mr. Frank" said Anish "So without wasting any time let's go there" said Ankit , they all went to Mr. Frank and asked him if he could give them the keys of the Homero Mantion but he refused , he said "I am sorry but I can't let you go in until you have the permission of the court , because after the death of Homeros there was no one who would succeed their property so it was undertaken by the government and I was assigned as the caretaker of this mantion , so I am sorry I cannot allow you to go in.". They all returned to their hotel and started thinking another way to research there , when Hritik said " We should go to the Homero Mantion but secretly  , without telling anyone and search there for clues" , "Like a thief ? I think this would not be right" said Ankit , "But Ankit we don't have any other choice , I think we should go." said Anish , "I agree with Anish" said Rahul , "Fine then , we will go" said Ankit.  The next day they all went to the Mantion at the time of dawn secretly and entered through the window which was present at the back of the house and by mistake it was left open by Mr. Frank. "Now we are in , let's start searching but remember we all should be together all the time" Rahul said gingerly, they all went to Mary's room first where under the cupboard with a lot of dust Ankit found a old torn dairy , "Hey guys , see what I have got" said Ankit , "A dairy!" said Anish , "Ankit just check to whom does this diary belong" said Rahul , "Ohky wait" said Ankit he opened the dairy , where on the first page it was written Mary Homero. "Amazing , that is for what we were looking for" said Hritik , "let's read it" said Rahul , then they realized that somebody was coming inside ,  "It must be Mr.Frank"        said Rahul "We have get out of here as soon as possible" he said , so they all somehow managed to come out of the mantion before Mr. Frank could see them , then they all ran to their hotel and after reaching the hotel Ankit realized that in rush he had forgotten the dairy there. " Oh god!" He exclaimed " How can I forget the dairy there" he said regretfully , " Don't worry I have brought some pages of that diary which were lying on the ground" said Hritik "Then we have to first read these pages for some of our answers , read it Hritik" said Rahul , they all sat down and Hritik started reading " Dear dairy , Gary has started behaving abnormally these days , his rage has increased very much , he starts shouting and fighting on very small things , and he also hates going to church but this must be just the effect of his age. This was what I thought until today's morning but today when I went to the church  and met Father Charles , my friend Sophie's uncle and also our family friend. He told me that my Gary had a evil living in him  , he told me that when Gary was born an evil spirit came in his body and started living there , but at that point of time the devil didn't have his full power he was very weak so nobody of us could realize this but with time as Gary grew up , he also grew up and in the coming 1 or 2 months the evil would takeover the body of Gary and Gary would be totally in his control , which would be niether good for us nor for the mankind. I started crying , I could not believe it that my son has a evil in him , but then I thought that for the larger good of the world even if I had to kill my son I will. When I said that we must kill Gary , Father Charles refused and said that just by killing Gary the evil spirit in him would not die it would simply go into another body , so for the remedy of this problem , he had asked me to meet him tomorrow , and I am going to his home tomorrow to meet him. Mary". " Okay , now I understood that why Mr. John was writing , he would grow.... on several papers" said Rahul , " So now we have to go to meet Father Charles for the further information" said Ankit , "This Hidden Diary has helped us a lot" said Anish , Hritik said "These were just a few pages of that diary , there are more secrets coming". "We must go to meet Father Charles tomorrow and gather some more information and know that what idea did he gave to Mary , and next time we won't leave the dairy there in the mantion , but we don't have much time left , just 15 days" Rahul said.

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